It Was Bound to Happen


Shared on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 22:11
Well, Canon released a new version of the digital Rebel, called the XSi:

Which means that my XTi, which you see me holding at the picture to the upper left, is now the "older" model. I knew this would happen, and I promised myself I would be OK with it. I usually feel antsy when a new version of something comes out because I start to feel that the iteration I own is horribly outdated and somehow no longer useful. It's a wonder I ever bought an iPod, considering a new model comes out every afternoon. Obviously, the whole concept is ridiculous. My camera is great and I really like it; money well spent. What bugs me is that the technology that has trickled down from the higher product tier, in this case the 40D, has resulted in a camera that is a much larger improvement over the XTi than the XTi was over the XT (do I sound crazy yet? Just wait).

Here are some of the features that I'd like to have on current camera that the XSi features:
- 12MP sensor
- Spot meter
- 3.5 frames per second burst mode
- Face detection and auto lighting optimizer

The XSi also comes with a kit lens that has image stabilization. The kit lens sucks, but IS is handy and usually results in a $250 or more premium over a lens with similar optics, so it's a nice improvement.

Anyway, it's a good camera. It has stuff that mine doesn't, but I think I can deal. I'm more focused on getting better lenses and a real flash now anyway. When I do buy a new body, it will most likely be in the 40D's tier...I hope.


Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 11/04/2007 - 14:54
Dude...PM me and let me know if you want it today or send out another mass email...I would have helped lastnight but my wife was home from working on the road all week and we went to dinner. I'll be home at about 6pm eastern tonight if you still haven't found anyone.
jlpriestley's picture
Submitted by jlpriestley on Fri, 01/25/2008 - 07:37
Yes it is a double edged sword when you buy something like that. I actually have the original D-Rebel from a few years ago, and have watched all the different ones come and go (even the Nikons), and watched the prices drop, and then I look at my little red-headed stepchild Rebel in my bag. It is still a nice camera, but you always want more - as it is with everything (HDTV, computers, even the XBox). With the cameras, one thing that doesn't change (that much) is that gawd-awful nice 70-200 IS 2.8 lens. Don't know if I will ever get any L-glass, but it would be nice...
Mulchinator's picture
Submitted by Mulchinator on Sun, 11/04/2007 - 19:00
Rock on brother! I'd model too, but I think J-Cat is cuter.
BlackDots's picture
Submitted by BlackDots on Fri, 01/25/2008 - 09:30
My buddy just picked up the 2.8. I think it comes with a back brace.
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Sun, 11/04/2007 - 13:36
You let me know if you need me to model! "you're a tiger! Grr... Grr!"

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