Wow, Video Games Have Evolved Over the Past 25 Years!


Shared on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 22:33
This whole Mass Effect thing is getting out of hand.

If you haven't seen this video yet, it is worth a look:

Seriously, is this what passes for "expertise"? The person taking the "anti-" stance admitted to NEVER PLAYING THE GAME THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT. Not only that, but when Geoff asked if she had played the game, Cooper had to stifle a laugh as she said "No". What I'm sure she was thinking was "Games are for kids. I am an adult with a masters degree from some Long Island diploma mill and am therefore an expert on any question put to me." OK, I might have embellished that last part, but you know I'm right.

The fundamental problem here is not that Mass Effect has a sex scene. It is that non-gamers, specifically non-gaming parents, do not understand that video games have evolved significantly in the 25 years since they played Pac-Man at the boardwalk that one summer. It's not all Pong anymore. Video games have evolved because video game players have evolved. It's not just 5 year old with Pokemon, as I am sure everyone on this website can attest. Adults are the drivers of video games products and, guess what, we demand more sophisticated and involved content, as we would for books, music, or movies.

Movies are the most analogous form of media to video games. The ratings are similar, as is the content. In fact, thinking of games in terms of movies is probably the easiest way for non-gamers to understand the variety of games on the market. Games are not just for children. Some games should not be played by children. Some parents might buy their child an M-rated game out of ignorance because they still think everything plays like Super Mario Bros. and is geared for all ages. Fortunately, there are plenty of websites to educate them. If they choose not to find that information on the Internet, which, as we know makes finding information nearly impossible, then they are lazy. Plain and simple. Apparently being a parent is difficult and time consuming, and might actually require you to be involved with the lives of your children. Shocker.


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