Shared on Fri, 10/21/2011 - 07:47Well I sucked arse in 3v3 / 4v4 with my buddies most of the night. So much variance in team games. Like I get double rushed by 2 zerg 6 pools at the begging of a game :( nothing I could do. Then I would take my 1 living probe and go setup a new base and just as I get my sim city going and start cranking out units I'd get steam rolled *sigh*
However I went 5 for 7 in 1v1 after that and as a result made top 8 in my Bronze League w00t. I know it's not much - but it's progress and it was a goal of mine. #1 is 200 points (~15 wins) ahead of me so I don't know if I'll be claiming the #1 spot anytime soon (ok well maybe I'll take a run at this weekend lol).
Had 1 funny match against a Silver league Zerg player. He drone rushed me? (I don't know why people do that lol). So I fight off his drones and I actually have a couple of probes left and some minerals. So I went over and started building a forge / cannons / pylons at his ramp....worked my way up into his base and cannoned it up. So essentially he was stuck on 1 base. I couldn't get my cannons close enough because of the creep to just out right win at the point but I was able to build up an army back at my base and fight the 2 muta's he was able to afford and got out of his base. The funny part was he was giving me shit for Cannon Rushing him (hardly a rush - I probably didn't setup my first cannon until the 8 or 9 minute mark).....my plan was to go 3 gate robo (as is my plan every match until I have it refined and working well) but he fucked that all up with his shitty lame drone rush. oh well - thanks for the points loser :)
IPL went on last week and French wonder kid Stephano (Zerg) took it down. Stephano has a very unique playstyle. He doesn't watch other gamers, he doesn't know who a lot of the top Korean pro's are. He just does his own thing and wins. Kid is hilarious (18 years old). He just wants to play SC2 and make money this year to go to school next year lol we'll see Stephano as the prize pools go up and if he keeps winning (he won 30k for this tourney) I'm sure he might change his mind :) Here is playing the very skilled Canadian player KiwiKaki (Protoss).
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Submitted by williamadamsesq on Fri, 10/21/2011 - 11:04
Submitted by BlowMonkey on Fri, 10/21/2011 - 12:07