Shared on Sun, 09/11/2011 - 09:59Sup my SC2 brethren!
Few notes. I watched a lot of SC2 yesterday (streams, old Day 9 episodes etc.) but I played only a little bit....and when I did I was playing as Zerg. I play Protoss and I'm not even sure why lol I think it's because the very first tutorial video I found was for Protoss and so that's that. I really haven't played the single player or the challenges etc. so I never latched on to Terran like a lot of people have. The reason I tried Zerg yesterday is because a lot of my favorite players are Zerg players and the race I think is the most asthentically pleasing :) I just think Zerg are cool. I don't think I'm switching races at this point - I figure if I learn some of the basics it will help my Protoss game and it's a fun way to keep learning the game.
Speaking of learning the game here are some "mods / maps" that I use to help me. I know that there are a million of these things these are just the two I use.
The first one is YABOT - Yet Another Build Order Tester is just what it sounds like. It helps you learn build orders (it has a number built in) and it lets you input your own build orders and test them. I think as a low level player I really have to learn one solid build order and just really learn it. Then I can move on to learning a BO for each match up and then situational BO's after that.
Here is where you can get YABOT ==> This team liquid thread tells you everything you need to know :)
The other tool I've been using is the UMC Multitask Trainer. This is just a fun little game where the map gets broken up into 4 areas you have various tasks and goals that you have to meet (depending on the difficulty setting you choose). It is designed to help you work on your multitasking / macro / micro game. At first it was impossible for me lol but after I adjusted my mouse sensitivity, my screen scrolling sensitivity and started using control groups it became better for me. I have beat it on Very Easy and Easy and almost on Normal (I was obliterating the Terran base when my timer ran out! grrrr!!). Anywho - here is the thread you can find this on (I know this one you can find on bnet in game.team liquid thread
Here was a great analysis from Day 9 between 2 of my favorite players Nestea and Huk. It was a great and interesting game and Day 9 tore it up like the hero that he is!
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Submitted by Zikan on Mon, 09/12/2011 - 17:37
Submitted by williamadamsesq on Sun, 09/11/2011 - 18:35
Submitted by BlowMonkey on Sun, 09/11/2011 - 19:21