

Shared on Sun, 09/16/2007 - 14:39
Wow! So, some interpersonal crap aside, I was AFK for a HELL of a long time. I am back now. Been delving into Bioshock lately, the game is fun and all, but I like GRAW2 type shooters more. Something about the gritty realism of it that sets me up for big time 'gasms. Anyway, onto some other stuff. Been using my tablet for mostly touch up work on scanned pics that I have hand drawn. I also color with it, but now my scanner is broken so any hints as to a good scanner for some line art would be much appreciated.

So now I can't use any of my own line art, which sucks, so I will have to settle for other people's line art that I leech off the web. I have these three already that seem promising as far as prospects for coloring in. Something has been bugging the hell out of me lately, since I am mostly a PC gamer, I know I can screenshot a particularly awesome moment in a game easily on the puter, but the consoles seem to be lacking this functionality. anyone know of any apps out there or techniques used by others to do this? Like when I tea bag some git in a GRAW2 match? Just wondering... >:) Anyway, later all.


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