Bodaget Stains now 2- 0


Shared on Sun, 07/09/2006 - 21:51
Yep, thats right, Bodaget Stains is now 2 - 0

We played Poon Naziz in some of the toughest games yet!

Game 1 - Rocket Sword Ball on Santuary

Some crazy killing in this game, the poon sure no how to use the rocket / sword combo.

What they are going to be most upset about is  this ...

Sys laged out, and we were experiancing a bit of lag overall, so the game was stoped and restarted once she got back on, better luck next time!

Game 2 - Plasma Punch Out KOTH on Midship

Congradualtions to the Poon on this one, they practiced hard and totaly dominated this game, we knew half way through we were in trouble! I hope we learned from this defeat, and next time we practice the game types!

Game 3 - Needler Swat on Lockout

Total domination! It would apear the Poon picked a game type that they never tryed before, the Needler is a very complicated weapon that takes great skill, and a lot of practice to use!

Great games, the Poon were a blast to play with, I look forward to a rematch!


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