What to do today?


Shared on Sat, 11/03/2012 - 09:29

Not sure if I want to work around the house or play some xbox. If I play xbox, do I play some Halo Reach or Borderlands 2? What to do...hmmmm....decisions decisions. LOL Somehow I think i'll just try to squeeze them all in!!!


So I tried to take monday and tuesday off for the release of Halo 4. My vacation days were approved but, then I had to cancel them myself. I have too much work to do. Suck. Then, I found out yesterday I have to work Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Super suck.

I'm also really excited for Hitman Absolution!!!! Probably more so than Halo! LOL! Anyone else excited for this game? I think my top score on  the Sniper Challenge was only like 1.6million or some crap but, it was fun as hell!!


ok, later


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