

Shared on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 01:13

Boy do I have a company that likes to monitor everything. They monitor your
internet activity and emails. I looked at the company policy and basically
anything and everything is forbidden over lunch or after hours. I can
understand on company time but not on lunches or after working hours. The
town I work in has a population of about 300. I commute from a bigger town
(1,300) about 25 miles away. So I don't have much to do over lunch. I
usually work out or go for walks. It sure would be nice to surf or check


madwoman's picture
Submitted by madwoman on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 08:13
My hubby's company is the same way. They are a smallish company with VERY strict rules. He gets irritated as well. By the time he gets home, spend some family time together, get the little ones to bed, its a choice between checking out the web or getting online sometimes.
DrWhistler's picture
Submitted by DrWhistler on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 08:48
Thats batshit crazy. I feel fortunate being with IBM and the management team I am under now. Our privileges are only for us to lose. We continue to be productive and we have nothing to lose. They dont get paranoid or controling.

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