Shared on Tue, 04/18/2006 - 12:49I am a somewhat serious gamer and a game like BF2-MC for 360 is killing me. ;; It has requirements for getting medals, and medals are needed to rank up. ;; I have played for 3 days, yesterday for around 7 hours, and I still dont have a medal. ;; Am I whinning, yea, I guess I am.
How can you get a medal for healing other people when you cant talk to them? The communication is so hit and miss, its impossible.
How can you get a medal for repairing vehicles when they are so easily destroyed?
How can you get a medal for killing 10 people without dying? You can say it takes a really good player, but what Ive seen is people get it by camping at a spawn point and getting you when you spawn. For example, you have control of the flag, so you can spawn there, but someone or a few paople are just far ebough away NOT to turn the flag over and wait for people to spawn. This is even more frustrating when there is only one spawn point left.
I guess the sniper mnedal is the easiest, all you have to do is kill 4 people with a 5 round clip from a sniper rifle. The only problem with this is it takes a lot of patience and your PPH (points per hour) drops significantly while you wander around looking for a good spot. Youre also a sitting duck if someone comes along with an automatic weapon.
- Brad's blog
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Submitted by GP_Butz on Tue, 05/02/2006 - 13:59
Submitted by neanderthal on Tue, 04/18/2006 - 13:57
Submitted by Zikan on Tue, 04/18/2006 - 14:06