Memorial Day


Shared on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 23:31
Please excuse the drunk fest which will eventually become this blog.  I envy the people who can write coherently.  The blog here should be a complete specimen.  A start a middle and an end.  However - tonight I am not feeling that way.  I will instead assume the personnae of XSSmoke - whom writes the blog in a special way that makes sense to me and maybe many others...

I was in the Army from 1990-1994.

I was in the Military Police Corps.

I went to 3 funerals in those 4 years.

2 were from "action" and 1 was from a DUI.

Funerals are funerals.

For clarification - In my 1st 2 weeks of Basic I saw a video about some fuck was named Saddam Hussein,  In my 3rd year we learned oif a place called Somalia.  Yeah - the Black Hawk Down place.

I'm not asking for pity or sorrow - and I definately don't need anyone to regurgitate some p[sycho bullshit to me.

Maybe I just neeed to vent it - I said a uelegey at a miltary funeral - and its some hard shit to do.

but now I am a million miles away - away from them and everything army.

Thank you to those who lost more than I

Is it so bad to say that I know many have lost so much more than me?

I don't want to bring you down - but just remember...

As I personally have a nephew training in NC to go to Afghanistan - remember...

We are sisters and brothers - wives and daughters - friends and neighbors....

We follow orders - not common sense in the civilian manner of thinking

our death is different

our death is honor

our death is a choice we made befoer getting into whatever situation we may be in

it's not a job - it (too) is our family

America is our family.


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