TransAmerica Building and Smut


Shared on Mon, 03/12/2007 - 13:46
During my photography stage - I was fascinated by the Transamerica building. It's big and unique and highly photogenic. I think I have lost a lot of pictures that I had taken, but I have found a book that I made in 1997-1999 titled Scribbles, Images and Such Things... created and compiled by Allen Stewart... that was my psuedonym. It contains poetry and photos... here's a pic and a poem from that book... I'll share more later if I can get some interest... hell, I'll still do it even if I don't find any interest... :-)

AM Smut

on a daily basis I spy

the last supper on television, but
the panel on display
though holding above
horns and halos
are not feeding
performing miracles

throwing bread to
tickets in chairs

saints and sinners
- a persecution can be made
of all -
biting hands feeding but
not convincing
not believing

if I were to hold the cock
- running to allay the mass
causing disention

I'd fly to you
and cloak aspects intended
for entertainment

this is not justified

a week of glory worth not
(past lifetimes)

a physical sale would
bother less

_Allen Stewart 1996


TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Mon, 03/12/2007 - 14:39
I work in a building next door to the transamerica building.
Brad's picture
Submitted by Brad on Mon, 03/12/2007 - 14:47
lucky dog - but now you also get to telecommute once a week... again, you lucky dog...

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