WOW news update


Shared on Wed, 01/07/2009 - 11:02

If you haven't watched the previous blog... please do so.


There has been some updates. The cop involved has not been interviewed by anyone and is in protective custody due to death threats. He is married and has a 1 week old baby. I'm not saying either way what happened, becasue I don't know... however - especially those involved in law enforcement - watch the video again and ponder the possibility that the officer got his pistol and taser mixed up...


The victim is 22 yr old male with a girlfriend and 4 year old daughter.  He was a butcher.  As of this writing - there have been no reports of him having any problems with the law prior to this incident.


Attorneys for the family have filed a $25 million wrongful death lawsuit.


wilderz's picture
Submitted by wilderz on Sun, 01/11/2009 - 08:00
Well maybe he got his taser and pistol mixed up. It does suck that the only time you see police on the internet is when they make poor judgement calls, and not the million other times they have saved lives. Either way, the guy should resign. If you cant tell the difference between your taser and your handgun, then maybe being a police officer isn't for you.
Raider30's picture
Submitted by Raider30 on Thu, 01/08/2009 - 16:33
Actually if I recall what I read earlier today he had prior drug and weapons charges. I am fine with the family filing a lawsuit, though IMO they should have waited until BART and the other investigating agency completed their report. But usual the black "activists" immediately began finger pointing, calling it an out and out murder, saying the cop 'executed' him in cold blood. It is that kind of bullshit that perpetuates problems, a victim mentality that is continually pushed by the black leaders in a community(yes, this is a generalization). The reality here to anyone who watches that video with an open mind is that the cop made a mistake. Accident or negligence. Yes, it does happen. Anyone who believes that the cop just up and shot that guy out of the blue with 3-4 other cops standing there(actually one was *kneeling* on the subject which makes it even more absurd that he's shoot on purpose) not to mention a whole damn train full of people if a complete fucking moron. What happened there is not indicative of the general police population despite what those sorry bastards who portray it that way think. BTW - I'm going on 14 years in law enforcement.

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