Shooter Controls


Shared on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 13:20

I recently picked up a PS3 in no small part so that I could play Killzone 2. I like K2, but the controls are terrible. I am not talking about the lag in movement or the "weight" given to the weapons that I have read many people complain about, I am talking about the controller mapping. What the hell? I HATE games that make you aim by pressing the right analog stick (I am looking at you too, Frontlines and Rainbow 6). In the heat of battle, I will invariably press the stick again when I fire the weapon, thus, taking the weapon out of aim mode and spraying bullets everywhere. I think that every shooter ever made should be REQUIRED to have an optional controller lay-out that is as close to COD's controller lay-out as is possible for the game. I understand that standardization isn't possible because of additional and different features in games (like the Dark Sector glave), but firing a standard weapon should always be set to the R trigger and aim should always be set to the L trigger (and an option to switch those for left-handed folks would be thoughtful as well). If Guerilla Games would fix this one aspect of K2 or, at least, give me the option to change it to what is most comfortable for me (every controller lay-out option available in K2 has the aim function mapped to pressing the R analog stick), I would love K2. It is a really good game and the MP is a blast.


ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 13:54
Welcome to the side of PS3. I am trading for KZ2, but going to try and trade it for Sacred 2.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 14:14
I wish every game came wth a controller layout config screen like most PC games do. Then you could lay it out the way you wanted. I mean how much extra effort would that take, seriously. Maybe game makers should just pass control to the 360 OS and in your prefs have an NXE screen that sets up the controller like they have now for rumble and inverted look preferences
Biznass's picture
Submitted by Biznass on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 14:18
You do know you can choose an alt control right? I think alt 2 is close to COD controls.
Biznass's picture
Submitted by Biznass on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 14:20
Sorry didn't finish reading before posting, agreed on the "roll your own controller scheme".
BrodysDad46's picture
Submitted by BrodysDad46 on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 14:33
@ Biz - There is a similar lay-out, but the aim is mapped to the R analog stick on every single one of them.
happ's picture
Submitted by happ on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 14:35
Alt controller schemes are okay, but there really should be an option to completely remap controllers in every game. There's really no excuse. I just saw your blog for the first time so I had to comment on your Braves game trip. I lived in ATL back when they played in Fulton Co. Stadium. I was a huge Braves fan before the strike. Loved Murphy, Pendleton, Bream, Smoltzie and the boys back in the late 80s/early 90s. I'm a huge Falcons and Hawks fan, too. Just wanted to give you a shout out, love seeing people sporting the old navy blue jerseys.
BrodysDad46's picture
Submitted by BrodysDad46 on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 15:20
@ Happ - funny things is that I HATED that jersey back in the day. I was a fan of the Braves in their baby blue jerseys and I was also a fan of the Oilers and their baby blue jersey. However, the Braves and the Texans have freed me from the baby blue madness.
happ's picture
Submitted by happ on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 17:08
They take getting used to. I was incensed when the Falcons and Hawks changed their logos. I still don't care for the newer Hawks logo, but the Falcons one is fine to me now. I do like the red jerseys on black helmets...that would have been sweet if they had done that with the old ones. I liked the original red jerseys and didn't care for the red helmets. Does all this talk of unis make me metrosexual?

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