Shared on Fri, 09/25/2009 - 15:51Just watching the events of Tokyo Game Show play out . All I can say is this thing has fallen from grace. What once was the largest video game show on the planet has almost died. Seems like companies use E3 to make most of their big announcements and then use gamescom and tgs to support those. Oh well, it probably speaks to the state of gaming and japan and those developers seem to be kinda thin on ideas. With Nintendo being an exception, I think Sony falls into this category as well. Isolate yourselves, fail to pay attention, and get passed up by the rest of the world. Hopefully they can get back on track. I like to hang out and look at neogaf sometimes. I dont post on there but a lot of the people doing so are working in the videogame industry. Two kinda funny things happened in there over the last couple of days concerning gran turismo 5. When they put out that release that everyone expected to be somewhat earlier some guy came into the forums and just threw down and even pledged his support to microsoft and bill gates lol. Well guess what a forum moderator came in and called him out. I guess he registered with his microsoft corporate email LMAO. Makes ya wonder how much of this noise on the net supporting these companies is real or fabricated by their own employees. The other thing which I cannot speak say enough of was the community manager for forza motorsport was actually posting detailed impressions of the gran turismo 5 demo to the GT post. I expect he was ordered to check out the progress which I dont blame them for doing on bit. Since the info was pretty damn limited that was pretty cool and it goes back to the japanese just dont get it . Its pretty damn bad when the community manager for your number one rival is getting the word out about your product and he didnt bad mouth them or anything just his impressions and what was available etc. Horrible that he was bascailly doing their job for them, the japanese just dont get it when it comes to a community surrounding their products.
- Buddylee's blog
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