5 months to get a sample!!!


Shared on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 12:40

Back in May all 3 of our cats went in for checkup and shots. Gizmo (the Calico) had to be knocked out in order for the vet to do anything with her. Well she was put on antibiotics for a couple weeks and we were to bring in a urine sample to make sure all was well.......Shoulda known this would be a major ordeal!!!!! Lock the cat in the bathroom with water running....no luck.....lock the cat in cage with water dish....no luck.....GRRRRR!!!!! Getting annoyed now so gives the vet a call and finds out that they've had cats go 7-8 months and not be able to get a sample!!!!

Sooo...fast forward to a couple days ago....still no sample but Gizzy pee'd a couple times out side of the litter box which is a clear sign something is wrong. So I get her fav towel, a water dish and locks her up 1 more time in the cage.This time after being locked up all night she actually does go!!!!! Oh happy day!! Gets sample to vet and lo and behold she's ot a urinary tract infection again!!! Gues she's just gonna be succectible to to'um :( but at least not life threating since we caught it real early.

Just seems kinda strange she'd wait till something was wrong before giving up that friggin sample........or is it brains......HMMMMMM?!?!?!?


RogueRose's picture
Submitted by RogueRose on Sun, 11/02/2008 - 11:54
Oh...poor kitty. Hope she is better soon. I wonder if it hurts them like it does people when they get one. ouchie, hope she gets well soon.
Caddyman's picture
Submitted by Caddyman on Sun, 11/02/2008 - 12:55
Seems like it it's a hit and miss as to which cats get it more than others. B.B. is 8 and never had a problem. Physco lived to 18 and he had'um seems like repeatedly. Right now Gizzy is on the Z/D food...both the wet and dry .The vets are discussing which food to try next.....which ever one it is it'll be cheaper cause the Z/D is the highest. The reason the vet didn't get this second sample is because once Gizzy hits the vet door she goes from happy go lucky kitty to the cat from hell.....biting....hissing at everything and everyone in her path cept me. Since all they needed was a sample we didn't see any reason to pay for anesthesia. Not sure if it hurts'um or not but she definetely goes whereever she might be!!! After a couple doses of the clavomox she's going back to the litter box.
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 12:52
My cat has the same problem. I now have her on a soft food diet and add water to it to keep her urine dilute, she is on a special diet of Science diet C/D mulitcare and she is locked in the bathroom any time the house will be empty. We also have an enclosed back yard that she now has free access to. She is a happier cat and so far (knock wood) she is doing well. I have been through this repeatedly for the past three years.
meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 14:28
o.k...why didn't your vet get the sample? I know it sounds nasty--but they get the sample from the cats bladder WITH A CATHETER! or a needle. My male cat had same thing and Science Diet C/D is awesome (and $$$$$) and fattening!!

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