Disgruntled, dismayed, disillusioned


Shared on Wed, 09/16/2009 - 11:36

How goes it peeps? I got a little rant in me so better get it out before I blow a blasted gasket!! As some of you may know for the past few weeks I been buckin for a promotion. My immediate supervisor packed it in and went off to the warehouse. Well for quite some time he had been trainin me how to do his job....paperwork, ordering supplies doin reports....the whole nine. Since he's been gone the night shift hasn't missed a beat. All books are kept upto date, all inspections done in a timely fashion and to a man alla the guy's on the shift like workin for me(either or I'm gonna do my job) For 14 more days I have the position in an acting capacity. Common sense says I oughta get the job.....buuuuttttt.....from what I'm hearing they're gonna move one of the day time supervisors to nights and do some reorganizing and not even hire another super!!! Budget constraints is the term they like to use.What makes it so bad is the guy coming to nights is an absolute total and complete fuckup as a supervisor!! One of the other day time supers is moving down to cover his area and bring it back up to par. I'm really not gettin it......I bust my ass.....do one helluva job and the guy that shoulda been fired  A LOOONG time ago gets ta come in take over the shift and get a raise(10% shift differential for working nights) ANd get this (oh yeah theres more) he's already been told he's not to come in and change things cause the night shift is runnin smooth! More than likely I'll still be orderin, inventorying, paperwork....shit is just not right. AFGE has already signed off on it cause before any reorganization goes on they gotta take it to the AFGE 1st. Now I gotta figure how to tell my guys and hope none of them do anything stupid. Several have said if I didn't get the job they'd make life difficult for whomever did. When they find out WHO did get it......oh shit!! Anywho......I know this type of shit goes on everyday and in this economy I'm fortunate to have job....but still......have a good week peeps.


Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Wed, 09/16/2009 - 11:53
i used to work for this company yrs ago called textron, i busted my ass while my co-worker did nothing all day, and he never got got fired, in fact he got promoted to a manager type position, not over me but in another department. i was just like why do i kill myself for nothing. it worked out for the better though, because i love doing what i do, while he got bumped up he ended up hating his job even though it was more money. to me it always seems the people who kill themselves and bust ass always get passed over for people who are usless. try to have a good week.
corbin_dallas's picture
Submitted by corbin_dallas on Wed, 09/16/2009 - 13:53
Well I would let the guy fall on his face. Don't cover him. If he doesn't know WTF he's doing and noone does it for him the problem should become blatently obvious, thusly "should" lead to his demise and possibly your promotion.

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