I gave COD 4 a try....I really did.


Shared on Sun, 03/01/2009 - 12:58

Sup today peeps? Y'all enjoying the COD 4 x2 xp?? Prior to this weekend I'd played COD 4 a grand total of 2 times since W@W hit the scene. And that was the 2 times W@W had probs. I figured this weekend I would do a lot of 4 to get a lil closer to the gold cross.( stayed 55 too long) I tried it a couple times so far and ya know what......I just couldn't play it for too long!! That voice in back of my head kept callin me back to W@W!! Don't get me wrong....I love COD 4 (or at least I did) I'm at or near the top of a lot of people's friends list in time played even with my lack of recent play time. Now there just seems to be something missing with 4. I think a lot has to do with Trey's support for W@W and IW's lack there of. Seems to me Trey just gives more of a shit. I'll probably give 4 another shot today but W@W is the new shizzle in my book. Anyways peeps enjoy your week and happy gaming!!



H2Daddy's picture
Submitted by H2Daddy on Sun, 03/01/2009 - 13:04
I am with you but not sure why. I loved 4 when it came out. When W@W came out, it sucked me in. Not sure if it was just something new to play or what. I have stuck 4 back in a time or two and I am just not feeling it.
RivalJJH's picture
Submitted by RivalJJH on Sun, 03/01/2009 - 20:27
I know the feeling, young man. My problem is that I am sick and tired of WWII games, but I end up playing W@W. The only reason I bought it was because it was $40 at Target after Christmas. At least the modern twist will get another go round soon.
Azuredreams's picture
Submitted by Azuredreams on Sun, 03/01/2009 - 21:49
Amen Caddyman....amen.

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