Shared on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 08:55PEEPS?!?!? Long time no see!! Hope all are doin good. Got some shit on my mind so figured this is bout the best place for my jumbled ramblings. 1st thing I wanna wish Wheeler a Happy Birthday!! Enjoy and have a safe fun one :) Next I wanna talk about my fav game W@W. Seems totally odd to me that all over the web I hear folk complaining bout this that and the other thing with this game Everbodies leaving in droves to go back to COD 4. You'd thing with all the millions annnnnd millions of folk leaving that COD 4 would jump back up to the top spot on live (at least # 2) but ya know what......W@W is still holdin on which leads me to believe that the millions annnnd millions are all just chuck fulla bullshit!! Maybe just maybe W@W isn't so bad after all. Before ya say this been wrong....thats been wrong....Trey has stepped up each and everytime and patched. More maps inbound. Trey has done more for their game than Infinity EVER did for 4. But yet they can't catch a break from the community......just seems strange to me. In my net travels I've even read folk say since IW created the best game ever they don't have to support it........What the fuck kinda shit is that?!?!? Make something good then just leave folk with ONE map pack.....glitches that are still present.....promises of more maps and only deliver on a play mode almost a year after promising it & more?? I know....I know......I can't make this horse anymore dead than it already is but I sincerely hope IW learns from Trey's support......hell learn from Bungies support for that matter and just don't shove it up our asses like last time. Yeah thats right.....I said "our" asses cause I'll be a buyin it just like the rest. But before I do I think 3 things gotta happen.
1; get me & wipsy in the beta (why wipsy.....cause he's kewl like that)
2.I wanna hear what Azure has ta say bout the game ( we both are on the same side of the fence on this)
3. I wann hear what PMA has to say (he was my captain in the tourney...he won't steer me wrong)
COD 4....excellent game. Check your service records. I'm STILL at or near the top of your friends list in time played (without playin much in these past few months)
COD W@W....excellent game. Altho it doesn't sound like it I love'um both. But for right now......this very second....Treyarch has my respect.....fanboy in the making.....hmmmmm!!!
Have fun folk....catch ya laterz and have a fun filled weekend!!
- Caddyman's blog
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Submitted by DrKillinger on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 09:12
Submitted by H2Daddy on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 09:15
Submitted by Azuredreams on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 09:23
Submitted by mrsleestak on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 10:00
Submitted by VenomRudman on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 14:45