My History


Shared on Wed, 11/07/2007 - 09:12
Gaming is a bit of a hobby and an obsession.

I've been playing games since we had a computer in the house.  My father got me "Zork", which might have been a grave mistake, in retrospect.  I never got very far, without the hint book.  A friend got "Sword of Glass", which while a horrible game, was a step up from ASCII-driven adventure games we had played to that point, like "Empire".  A few friends had an early local guild on a BBS playing "TradeWars 200". 

When we got a hard drive (20 megs) and a Hercules Graphics card, we were the bomb on the block with 4 colors (black, white, aquamarine and pink!) playing "Chuck Yeager's Flight Simulator".  My shining moment in my early gaming career was finding the code to get into the Catacombs in the original "Bard's Tale", it's the dead god's name, Trajan, by the way. 

Fast-forward, through Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (PC) and Knights of the Old Republic (XBOX) which I managed to beat in the last few years with that satisfying, I-can-walk-away-from-this-now-because-there's-not-much-left-to-see RPG experiences.  I've been playing Civilization since its first incarnation, though I still don't like Civ III very much and Civ IV is better, though I don't know what the fuss about Alpha Centauri was all about, I couldn't stand it, for some reason. 

I play more independent strategy games - Space Empires III in college, then Space Empires IV for the last few years and now the latest (though flawed) Space Empires V.  Dominions 3 is hanging out on my hard-drive and that is a truly epic strategy game.

I am deep into Final Fantasy XII, my characters are approaching the level 50 mark.  I am looking forward to finishing it sooner or later, though another cut-scene and plot point reveal was great a few nights ago.

I have a problem, but my wife understands.  I got her a DS for Mother's Day and she just beat the latest Zelda.  I have gotten about a third of the way into that when I can pry it out of her hands.

Life is good with games.


J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Wed, 11/07/2007 - 09:19
life IS good with games! Have you got all of the summon creatures in FFXII?

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