Being a manager sucks!


Shared on Fri, 04/06/2007 - 14:02

 I have 15 grown men that work for me.  I also have 17 kids 9-10 years old on my soccer team and flag  football teams.  I swear the kids are easier to deal with than these grown men,lol.  I have never seen a bigger group of whiners in my life. I have a couple of guys who continually show up late or call in sick, or have court or something. Rarely do I get a full weeks work out of them. When Friday comes and they get their check they just want to piss and moan that they aren't making enough money.

 I am a transplant from the Washington DC area to here in Jacksonville, FL.  I love it here in JAX but the work ethic  F'ing sux here.  I did the exact same job in VA, and rarely had people piss and moan about their jobs.  These same guys who bitch about money,  never want to work late when late work is available.  But will complain that they are not getting enough hours.  Then all their personal problems, it seems every week I have someone not make it in because they got arrested over the weekend. If it is not that, then they are having to goto court. If it is not that they are calling in sick. 

 I guess in construction you are going to get this kind of stuff. Although I rarely had anything like this in DC.  In my 4 years of being a supervisor in DC I only had to fire 1 person. I have been in Jacksonville for 3 1/2 years, I have had to fire probably 20-25 people at least.  It is just amazing with the employees that we have that we are able to make money and be the dominant roll-up door company in North Florida.

 Damn good thing that there is an Anheuser Busch plant to keep the stores around me stocked full :D .



LuxDraconis's picture
Submitted by LuxDraconis on Fri, 04/06/2007 - 14:25
Good help is hard to find and harder to keep.
stragglerJ's picture
Submitted by stragglerJ on Fri, 04/06/2007 - 15:00
LETS GO CAPS! LETS GO CAPS! I hope they kick some buffalo ass this Saturday!!!
REM's picture
Submitted by REM on Fri, 04/06/2007 - 15:17
It is always amazing to me how hard some people will work to get out of work...
CAPSFAN's picture
Submitted by CAPSFAN on Fri, 04/06/2007 - 15:49
lmao, yep, I was just saying that to my partner this morning.
thebrigade's picture
Submitted by thebrigade on Fri, 04/06/2007 - 16:35
Fire them and hire the next set personally and train them yourself. After a few months trim the fat off the staff by dumping the low man. That'll keep the new hires on thier toes and thankful for thier job for a good spell.

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