
Shared on Mon, 11/19/2007 - 21:00
As I've commented elsewhere, I signed up for Gamefly recently.

So far, my experience has been typical and rivals the experience I had during my year and a half of Netflix subscription. That is to say that it's been very smooth and bereft of problems.

Until today. Today I got my next game in the mail. It wasn't the next one on my queue, but can't be too picky, I suppose. But something didn't seem right; the envelope felt terribly light. So I open it up, and to my amazement, there's nothing in the game sleeve. Nothing. The envelope was still sealed when I got it and appeared unmolested by the Postal Service. But inside the envelope was a sleeve and nothing else.

I've fired off an e-mail to Gamefly's support department, but I have no idea what to do. This is a complete first for me. I've had Netflix movies show up cracked or mutilated, but they always had something in the sleeve. I really hope Gamefly doesn't try giving me any grief.


Poes_Lament's picture
Submitted by Poes_Lament on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 02:18
I've had that happen before, once. They had no problem with it at all. Netflix has always been good about it too. Now, throttling on the other hand.... My beef with gamefly was when I stopped my account. I kept my games until a couple days before the account was to be stopped and then mailed them in. They then sent me games the day the account should have closed. I guess if they're still in your queue, they'll be mailed. But seriously, how am I supposed to get the games back on time? I fought with them a little bit, but they relented and took the extra monthly charge away. Moral: Empty your queue if you close your account.
dos's picture
Submitted by dos on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 08:37
I have zero problems with gamefly.
nomodifier's picture
Submitted by nomodifier on Mon, 11/19/2007 - 21:02
I've heard they just say "okay" and take care of it. good luck and let us know how it turns out, they may gain a new customer if they handle it right.
pp2's picture
Submitted by pp2 on Tue, 11/20/2007 - 06:45
Yeah, good luck for sure. This is one of the reasons why I haven't signed up for a mail service yet. I know your local BBs suck so you're kind of stuck.

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