Don't know which is worse...


Shared on Sat, 09/15/2007 - 22:08
I don't know which is worse:
The debate I have regarding euthanizing one of my pets OR
Having made the decision but having to wait until the Vet's office is open, knowing that in a little over a day said pet will be taking a trip down their own version of the Green Mile.

Here's the backstory.
One of my kids, Trigger, has become very ill. He's had respiratory troubles since I got him back on the 26th of December, 2005, but they've gotten progressively worse every time he has a recurrence. [Sidenote: For those who haven't followed my blog since I started it, my "kids" are my two pet rats.] In the last week and a half, he's begun losing weight, despite eating and drinking, and only sleeps with his head hanging down off of a cage shelf, which means this latest respiratory infection is much more nefarious than the past ones. I've seen an infection this bad once before, in my first-ever pet rat, Boots, who also suffered recurring respiratory distress.

I know at this point, after 7 previous rat pets, that it's probably far too late for medication to do anything. The average lifespan of a pet store (not a breeder) rat is 2 to 3 years. Given that he was at least two, probably three, months old when I got him he's at the 2 year mark. Sure, it's possible to reverse the damage, but it's not exactly what I'd call financially responsible. I know that sounds horrible, but to take care of a respiratory infection of this magnitude he would likely need weekly prednasone/prednasolone shots along with daily doses of a broad spectrum antibiotic and a breathing nebulizer - for the rest of his life, which, even with all that, would probably only be 3 to 6 months.

So I've decided to take him to the vet on Monday and chances are very high that he won't be returning. He looks so frail and miserable, much like Boots did during her last respiratory infection. For the first time in a long time, I'm comfortable with the decision, just uncomfortable with the waiting. I hate for any of them to die, but I don't want him to be miserable and words can't even describe how miserable he looks. The picture I linked makes him look fat compared to how he looks now.

Needless to say, I'm a little down in the dumps. I love my boys and rats make such excellent pets.. but their short lifespan and proclivity to illness (including cancer) really, really sucks.


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