Rock Band/Party Game thoughts.


Shared on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 01:22
Rock Band makes me both happy and sad.

It makes me happy because it's a great game, it whips Guitar Hero under the table, and it's very fun to play over and over again.

Yet, at the same time, it makes me sad because until they patch in the online Band World Tour (which they've promised according to both OXM and IGN), I'm extremely limited to what I can do. This is a byproduct of being an older gamer and having to coordinate with friends regarding when they can visit (or when I can visit them) around work schedules and busy lives. Add to this the fact that two of my friends can't play at the moment because they have borked hardware and it makes me really sad.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind sitting here playing solo guitar or solo vocals (or quickplay bass) at all, but I've only had a small amount of play as an actual band and that doesn't look to change until they give us the online BWT patch because it's a lot easier to coordinate online band play than trying to get multiple working adults (with kids) in the same physical location for a couple of hours.

It's this same "sadness" which keeps me from picking up SceneIT. I'd love to play SceneIT, but I would spend more time trying to coordinate getting people together than I would actually playing the game.


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