

Shared on Thu, 09/13/2007 - 21:39

Where have all the great RPG's gone? I know Oblivion was a grand ole game and I still play it from time to time. No I'm talkin bout the RPG's that were story driven, the ones that sucked you in and made you apart of the world your character was in. I have rolled a many 20 sided die in my teen age years, so a good story line is very important, it is if you want to get anythin out of tha experience. Games like Pools of Radience, Wizardery, Daggerfall classics all of em. Story driven. But tha had ta be didn they, the graphics back then were pretty bad. Huge globs of pixels grouped tagether, kinda resembled an ogre, maybe.

Years later comes Ultima and it's sequels, I like the first one the best, Age of Darkness I think. Agin, the story made tha game. Then Baldurs Gate and it's sequels, NeverWinter Nights and it's hundreds of user mods. I think though that NWN could hav used more story insted of dazzling camera angles. I go see many RPGs on tha horizon, there are a few I've my eye on, Fable 2 and Dragon Age come ta mind, but for tha most part it feels like RPGs are on the fall. I hav tried ta play some of those golden oldies but it seems that they do not work so well on modern PCs. Hell I played most of them on a Tandy 1000 that used 5 1/2 " disks. My son doesn't even know what I'm talkin about. I also had a tape drive for my Commadore 64, now that was crazy!


Mediaman's picture
Submitted by Mediaman on Thu, 09/13/2007 - 22:02
I feel bad for all the gamers born after 1980. They missed out on the c64/apple era. You had amazing games that really engaged your imagination and took you places. Remember SSI games? what happened to them? They where awesome. You could get totally sweet things, go anywhere, do anything. Bards Tale? Wicked! Now kids get the stupid bards tale action game. They get the Fallout Brother HOod of Steel. So sad. I have high hopes that RPG's will be awesome again in the future. I bet no kids born after 1984 ever played SSI Road Wars and let there gang riot in the theme park and die on the rollor coasters. They probably never went into town and beat a bunch of people up and made them into gang members. I did and it ruled!!! Man, most kids don't even no what a MMO is. They need to live the days when you could build boxes, climb up to the roof of a house, jump in, steal everything and sell it to a vendor. They never got to kill someone for no reason, chop off there head and parade it thru town. How come after ultima online all the mmo's kept getting simplier, rather then give you more freedom? I want to see RPG's that are turn based where reflexes don't play a role and your stat's do. I want the graphics to pull me in, but not to define the scene...let my mind fill some of the holes in. Yup. Kids today don't have as much cool stuff to play with as we did when we where kids.
gigatrix's picture
Submitted by gigatrix on Fri, 09/14/2007 - 14:35
I played almost the entire library of Bullfrog games, including Syndicate and Theme Park thank you very much ;)

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