

Shared on Wed, 10/22/2008 - 08:29
Yea! Our fearless leader is in the Spotlight. Racer's a wonderful guy, an adequate Little Big Planet player, and obviously a great spokesman for the PS3.  Winning one PS3 fan at a time! Nice interview, Racer! Yea!
Before I was lured into 2O2R with the promised of cake, cookies, and margeritas, I had never really played much online. I've been a single-player gamer most of my life. I've had friends over for a Mario Kart or Smash Bros. fun night, but as you know that's just not the same (blocking the TV and nudging elbows, aside). All my clan guys changed that for me. Barely one night goes by when some type of game isn't being played. Then LBP! I've been driving my clan crazy with that one. And now, the clan is growing; we even have a new girl joing!
My clan guys are the best. I can't say enough good things about them. So, If you own a PS3 (and want use it for more than Blu-Rays or a bookend for your game collection), or you're thinking of buying one -- hint, hint, LBP, LBP! -- give Racer a yell. You won't regret it.
Thanks to my clan for putting up with my Hello Kitty pillows, playing LBP over and over again,and making me feel at home. They are hard to resist!
Another in-game funny moment, we have many:
Sometimes, I follow a teammate to give him backup, watch and learn, see how the masters do it. I learn a lot by following them and they get backup to boot.
Well, this one time, I'm following one of our fine killing machines (we have many), Biznass,aka "Mr. Snipe at Char." He's on my team this time, thank goodness, can't kill me that way. He's one sneaky #@&%!, but I'm following every step he takes. Checking behind us, prowling around, learning as I go. He gets to this wall and goes to jump it. Well, first try is a nope. Second try, not even close.  Third try, not on his, or my life. Fourth try,....ain't gonna happen.
This goes on for a bit, he keeps trying, and I just stand there watching, mesmerized by watching him try to jump this wall. The Great Biz! can't jump over the wall!!! The whole time I'm quiet, don't say a word, just watch. Then I hear, with a commanding certainty and admirable dignity, "Shut Up," and he finally gets over the wall. I was laughing so hard, I could barely focus my weapon.
You have to know how Biz plays in-game. He's always very very quiet, one mission, take the enemy DOWN!!! He's very good at it. He sneaks around taking people out with two or three efficient shots. For Biz to not be able to get over a little wall, well that just ain't right....LMAO!!!  Kinda like watching Baryshnikov trip on the sidewalk. Apparently,some gun was in his way, the command for jump wall and pick up gun are the same. Sure, whatever...*winks at Biz*
I can only hope Biz doesn't take it out on me too bad. I'll have to keep low and back against the wall!  He's sooooo gonna snipe me for this!
Now, if you'll excuse me, we are 2Old2Resist!. . .


williamadamsesq's picture
Submitted by williamadamsesq on Wed, 10/22/2008 - 21:24
SOCOM has 2 types of chat - push to talk and proximity chat. The proximity chat only works when the characters are standing close together, but it's open mike through the speakers, not the headset, then. Char and I are running around at night and I jump off the cliff into a lake. The surround sound speaker next to my head goes off with Char's voice saying "DAMMIT!" I burst into laughter and it dawns on Char she can hear me through the TV.
jquack's picture
Submitted by jquack on Wed, 10/22/2008 - 22:59
rofl. These are great stories. Thanks for sharing
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Wed, 10/22/2008 - 08:44
2o2R Hell yezzzz
racerchaser's picture
Submitted by racerchaser on Wed, 10/22/2008 - 09:01
She loves us.....I knew it!!!!!!!!! lol
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Wed, 10/22/2008 - 09:13
hmm...you keep tempting me...no, I am not too old to resest 2old2resist...must...be ...360 fanboy....Argggg!!!!....
Biznass's picture
Submitted by Biznass on Wed, 10/22/2008 - 09:15
I know somebody that's getting shot in the ass......:)
char's picture
Submitted by char on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 19:25
Well, William Esq, you led me off the cliff! into the river!! I didn't make a splash tho, I made a splat sound...lol I hope you had that surround sound turned up reallly loud, heheh Just think Aman, you and the wife can play LBP together and with us. It's more fun than you could ever hope for! *tempting tempting* = ) Biz, you gotta catch me first, and I've got that rocket launcher all worked out.

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