In Game Funnies!


Shared on Fri, 09/26/2008 - 11:32

I love when people tell funny in-game stories. Like Cynical Hermits blog. Wish more people did. Sometimes they give me such a good laugh that my sides hurt. The "I have that kind of thing happen to me moments" is good stuff. So bring on the chuckles, tell us your funny moments! Blog about your funny stories. I for one would love to read them.

Thanks Cynical

Here's one of my first Socom funny in-game moments:

I'm new to the game. Playing with my new clan! I'm getting used to my gun. Trying to learn where the heck I am. I have my back to the wall, 'cause some *&(%$^%$* people like to snip me! ! ! (You know who you are.)

All of a sudden, all hell breaks out over my mic.  I hear guns blasting, frags going off, yelling, some words, lots of smoke off in the distant. And then. . . . . .nothing! It was so quiet. Not one sound. . . . .Then, I hear a lone voice come over the mic. . . . ."Dam, dude!!! Leave some for us to kill ! ! !" 

I was so upset that I missed it all going down ! ! ! One of my teammates took them ALL down! It was a complete melt down and I missed it all ! ! ! I felt like Linus in the pumpkin patch.

It seems like all my clan guys are funny. They keep me snickering and snortin' all through gameplay. It's not easy laughing and trying to kill people at the same time. Not for this Noobi!

Can you just imagine standing in line for 5 hours waiting for Garth Brooks tickets!?!?!  The things you learn about your clannies while waiting in the lobby. Yea, it's just that good....LOL

Now, if you'll excuse me, c'mon people share the goods!. . .



ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Fri, 09/26/2008 - 11:36
I would stand in line 10 hours for tickets as long as I would know I would get in the first 5 rows
Guardian's picture
Submitted by Guardian on Fri, 09/26/2008 - 11:54
I had had Battlefield: BC maybe two days and had played maybe 10-15 games. After each game I rotated from offense to defense. This is pretty much the norm, but every now and then you might play defense twice, or offense twice in a row. I just didn't know that then. Well, I just finished a game on defense, so I was all prepared to blow up some gold crates. I spawned in and hoofed it over to the enemy base, get a couple kills, then die. I then spawn in on a team mate and head for the gold crate. I enter the room to find my team just standing around looking at the crate. I think to my self WTF? So I load down the crate with all my C4 and blow it. A team mate pops a couple shots off at me, and I'm like what the hell, you shouldn't have been just standing around like that. Well, the crate still has about 1/3 of its health left, so I start knifing it rather than setting the charge. All oif a sudden, I'm TK'd. What the HELL??? Then it dawns on me... I'm defending again. I was damaging the very crate I was supposed to be protecting. Embarassed, I quickly turned off my Xbox. Dumbass noob. I can laugh about it now, but boy did that suck.
Biznass's picture
Submitted by Biznass on Fri, 09/26/2008 - 12:13
I was playing COD4 with the general public one night. I use a usb mic and it has a little mute button on it. Well in the lobby I always click my mute on and bull crap with who's in the room at the time. I click it or so I thought. There's the usual chatter and smack talk till I say " Oh yeah baby, get it....", the lobby went dead silent. About 5 seconds pass and everybody starts laughing their ass off. The best part is when I said "yeah baby, get it..." I was talking to wife, who had her finger in her nose. Yeah, I heard "oh yeah, get it baby" a few times during that round.
char's picture
Submitted by char on Fri, 09/26/2008 - 12:15
OMG! LMAO LMAO!!!! that was so funny. They must have thought WTF is this dudes It's those noob moments that just make you want to hide, but then you can laugh at them later. Now I don't feel so bad about some of my goofs...LOL I'm thinking my team must think "what the heck is char doing, the broken down bridge is over there" or "I told her to follow me and she's following William instead" I still don't recognize their voices yet, so when one tells me to follow him, I don't always know who said it....heheh
char's picture
Submitted by char on Fri, 09/26/2008 - 12:19
BiZZZZZ, I hope your wife doesn'tsee you telling us that But I'm sure glad you did. You snipper!
Cynical_Hermit's picture
Submitted by Cynical_Hermit on Fri, 09/26/2008 - 12:31
I have a couple fun moments. One was a long time of the funnier moments on gears. We were playing on canals and Alex Odin was playin lookout suddenly calls out "I seee one..two...three locusts on the bridge" Now...he sounded just like the Count from sesame street...all of us just busted out laughin. Another was playing halo3. Now there is a skull in this desert area where you have to jump up on the roof and then grenade jump or ghost jump your way to it. Well...we had two people go for it at the same time...funny thing was...he slid off the ghost when the guy tossed the sticky grenade missed the ground and stuck him as he fell...well the grenade guy jumped anyways thinkin he was good...was fallin and laughing at the grenade when the ghost struck and killed him in mid-air. It was all over in a flash...but was a mass jumble of funny screw-ups...I was driving the ghost and was laughing my ass off.
williamadamsesq's picture
Submitted by williamadamsesq on Fri, 09/26/2008 - 19:53
It was 5 hours in line at 4 degrees below zero to get Garth Brooks tickets. Country music sucks since Garth retired. Resist has some seriously funny people in the clan.
Biznass's picture
Submitted by Biznass on Fri, 09/26/2008 - 20:33
My wife can't read, now if I could get her to not speak I would be in biznass! I'm going to get in trouble so I'll just shut up now......
williamadamsesq's picture
Submitted by williamadamsesq on Fri, 09/26/2008 - 22:12
Let's see - your wife can't read, and she picks her nose.......
Cynical_Hermit's picture
Submitted by Cynical_Hermit on Sat, 09/27/2008 - 01:37
Probably got a mean right hook though :P
char's picture
Submitted by char on Sat, 09/27/2008 - 09:45
Bizzzz.....I'm so tellin on you!!!!! I bet she's got some good stories she could tell us about you. 4 degrees below Z?! you are a wild man! I guess I understand, wait nooo, OK, yes I do. I've done things like that for vid-games. Cynical....Good
williamadamsesq's picture
Submitted by williamadamsesq on Sun, 09/28/2008 - 07:54
How come this is the only page on the site that shows EDT? All of the other pages are 8 hrs ahead. Is this something I can set? Growing up in Cleveland in the 60's and 70's you got used to cold and snow. When the Browns were gone, a show ran about the 5 worst weather Browns games - 1 was from before I was born, I had been to the other 4. Look up the Red Right 88 game, I was one of the Frozen Chosen lucky enough to have playoff tickets. We would have huge mounds of snow and ice in parking lots that would not thaw until after Memorial Day. I live 2.5 hrs south of there and the climate is much more moderate.

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