Marshmallows & Popovers


Shared on Wed, 01/06/2010 - 13:29

It's cold Outside!


My car was really dirty. So, off to the car wash. Got home with my clean car, went to open my car door and the darn thing was frozen shut. I crawled over the consol to the other side, but Frosty had worked his magic there as well. I had to turn the heat on full blast for five minutes before it would open. Lesson learned, keep car dirty till spring.

Been cooking and baking again. I’ve really been into making soups, maybe because it’s cold out. I even made three different homemade stocks. Turns out it’s not as hard to do as I thought, but the thing I’m having most fun with making is Popovers! I’ve been making and baking them to the point of perfection. I love serving them with strawberry butter and a bowl of soup….mmmm, I think I must have been a pig in a former life.
Demon’s Souls and Uncharted still hold my heart. They’re two of the best games on the PS3. That is, until God of War comes out. I’ll be lost for days to its brutal ways. Oh the joy of it all.
Getting my big Christmas tree outta the house was not easy. It took two men draggin' that baby through the front door. A pine needle trail to the curb and I thought I was all done.  Nope, the trash service will not remove my tree unless it’s cut in half. Since I don’t own a chainsaw, a clan member suggested a flamethrower. Now, all I need are some marshmallows for roasting. Oh tannenbaum!!
Happy New Year to all!
Now, if you’ll excuse me, off to buy marshmallows . . . 


Crimson_Fox's picture
Submitted by Crimson_Fox on Wed, 01/06/2010 - 14:22
Sorry about the car. At least you didn't do what I did once (pulled too hard and ripped the rubber trim). What are Popovers? Are they like turnovers? They sound really good!!! Call me ignorant but what does cutting a tree in half accomplish (does it have to be less thann a certain size)? Seema to me a garbage truck would chew it up no matter how large it was. Up here in Montreal, we have a service that goes around picking up used Christmas trees. If you miss them, you are on your own though (city won't pick them up no matter how many times you cut them).
H2Daddy's picture
Submitted by H2Daddy on Wed, 01/06/2010 - 14:24
Drag it into your neighbors yard.
madwoman's picture
Submitted by madwoman on Wed, 01/06/2010 - 14:48
You put a smile on my face just now Char...I'll bring the graham crackers and chocolate bars. I need some comfort food. :) Oh, and I love H2's idea. :)
williamadamsesq's picture
Submitted by williamadamsesq on Wed, 01/06/2010 - 15:13
We went to Vegas for a week - leaving Brenda's Expedition at a Columbus airport hotel with the keys locked inside, the Ford has a keypad for entry. Had an ice storm and a half inch of ice covering the key pad. Had to chip it all off with a credit card so I could open the truck to turn the darn heater on!
char's picture
Submitted by char on Wed, 01/06/2010 - 16:43
My first popover was at a restaurant that served them warm with strawberry butter and a wonderful broth before each meal. I fell in love with those darn things. They have a cookbook with the popovers on the front cover. So, I picked up their cookbook and started making my own. I was happy to find them easy to make and fun to watch puff up. I think I might be addicted. I found out I can have my tree picked up for a small donation. So, I’m doing that. The trash service told me any tree over four feet has to be cut in half. My tree was over six. I wasn’t happy with them at all. I think it’s just a way for them to skip picking them up on trash day. You’re right, it would fit in the back of those trash trucks just fine. MadWoman, and some hotdogs! H2, I see it in my mind’s eye. It’s a dark starry night. I move like a flash between shadows while pulling that tree to the main road. Problem fixed…lol…OK, I thought about doing that, but I’m too girly. William, MasterCard as an ice scraper…priceless…lol So, what stayed in Vegas?…heh ; )
char's picture
Submitted by char on Wed, 01/06/2010 - 16:48
opps....@MadWomen: And some hotdogs, too! Just overlook my typos, I'm so beat I can't see right.
DLogan's picture
Submitted by DLogan on Wed, 01/06/2010 - 17:30
Did someone mention fire? LOL This is why I have an artificial tree. No pine needles and no need to drag it to the curb every year.
Biznass's picture
Submitted by Biznass on Wed, 01/06/2010 - 17:49
You could do it like everybody around here. Put tree on the roof or trunk of car, hit the gas and see how long it holds on.
char's picture
Submitted by char on Wed, 01/06/2010 - 18:32
Fox, overlook me not telling you what a popover is. I’ve been working long hours. I'd have to say it's a cross between a pancake and I don't know Kinda light, flakey on the outside, warm and chewy on the inside. They're really easy to make and I like that. I don't own a popover pan. I used a reg large muffin pan and it worked fine. They're very airy and are wonderful with soup. Here’s a pic of them. @DLogan: I forgot how much work a live tree is. By the time it was over, I've spent a small fortune on it. Biz, I think I’m gonna do that, just for the fun factor involved. How about this. Set tree ablaze! 75 mph down the highway! Fire Fire Fire....a Beavis moment. = )
DaRedneck's picture
Submitted by DaRedneck on Wed, 01/06/2010 - 19:04
I am glad I live on the gulf coast. I can't imagine all that ice and snow. I have no idea what a popover is but now I want one, I want a bowl of soup too! I am fortunate enough to live on some land in the sticks so my xmas tree made a nice bonfire this year.
Crimson_Fox's picture
Submitted by Crimson_Fox on Wed, 01/06/2010 - 21:08
Got it. Thanks char.
Biznass's picture
Submitted by Biznass on Wed, 01/06/2010 - 21:19
Damn that looks tasty. And I miss B&BH. I still have that point and click pc game somewhere around here. Spitting loogie's is cool, when the squirrel dies in the tree is gold.
char's picture
Submitted by char on Wed, 01/06/2010 - 23:17
Redneck, I bet the smell was nice. Pine smell reminds me of camping. Sleeping on the cold hard ground, and food always taste better when you're camping. Unles the bears take off with it. Biz, that’s too funny. I’ve never played the game, but B&BH was one of Tommy Tallarico's fave picks on JD. Beavis cracks me up. Especially when he gets over stimulated. Dame were smooth = ) I'm sleeping in late and I mean late!
char's picture
Submitted by char on Thu, 01/07/2010 - 07:47
oops Damn were smooth. I slept in late and I'm feeling much better. I think it might be a snow day. I can't see the road, so that means I get to stay home!!! Woohoo!

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