This Podcast Sucks And So Does Your Mom!


Shared on Wed, 03/30/2011 - 11:03

We've been podcasting in Resist. It started as a mere thought and grew into a very fun reality. We have a blast! We love having different clan members on each podcast to learn more about them, but really it's to have a few chuckles. Oh yeah, we also talk about our favorite, hobby: gaming.


When the Resist boys first approached me about doing a gaming podcast, they got a big fat adamant "NO!" Call it shyness. Call it whatever you'd like. But the thought of doing a podcast wasn't exactly appealing to me. To my own great surprise, I'm having a blast yuckin' it up with my clan.


For example, our last guest is an extremely talented artist. Here's his website, if you want to see some really neat works of art, especially cool Star Wars action scenes. Link:


I met Freelancer whilst concentrating on a rousing bout of LBP beta a couple of years ago. Mic was off, so I didn't know if he was a man, woman, timmy, or Ewok. But we were simpatico in game play. I could tell he was really a real gamer (really!), so I sent him a few requests to join Resist. He, then finally said yes. Later, I found out from our clan leader (Racerchaser) that he gamed with Lancer a few times (small world, indeed). When he finally joined one of our clan nights, we learned in the most painful way that Freelancer is a killing machine (and not just a LBP aficionado). In fact, Freelancer is soooo good, you pray to the gaming gods that he's on your team -- or run away if he's not. I'm extremely proud of myself the few times I manage to shoot him and get a "Dam'it, Char!" in the


I must warn you, we are not very professional when it comes to podcasting or even talking, certainly not the game show type -- except for Nix and Inka, (it's Inka's calling). We do the podcast because we love to talk about gaming with people who enjoy gaming. No matter what, in the end, we are here because of gaming. I think it's a wonderful world!


Point iTunes or your favorite RSS reader to that URL so you can listen.


EDIT: UseNix aka mdl70 posted in the comments the clickable link to the podcast. Thank you Nix! I fail at nerdom.


Now, if you'll excuse me, we even have followers. Very few, but they think we're funny!








williamadamsesq's picture
Submitted by williamadamsesq on Wed, 03/30/2011 - 11:07
We also serve punch and pie.
mdl70's picture
Submitted by mdl70 on Wed, 03/30/2011 - 11:09
Our podcast might suck but BlowMonkey and I sure can record a theme for one. A truly international effort. U.S. and Canada working long distance with Garageband files. I recorded the funky riff we ended up using as the base line and a couple of octave riffs/stabs/whatever with my guitar. BlowMonkey went full Morello mode and used an alan wrench on his guitar to get the Pac-Man sounds and opening lick. We managed to record a theme as chaotic and unorganized as the podcast!
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Wed, 03/30/2011 - 11:10
I think the key to successful podcasting is to not do it solo. You need sidekicks that you've got a good rapport with so you can build off each other.
mdl70's picture
Submitted by mdl70 on Wed, 03/30/2011 - 11:10
If people want to listen, point iTunes or an RSS reader here:
Biznass's picture
Submitted by Biznass on Wed, 03/30/2011 - 11:36
THAT TITLE. SHAMEFULL. How many times do you have to be told not to take Tukkers advice? I punched Nixs moms pie.
BlowMonkey's picture
Submitted by BlowMonkey on Wed, 03/30/2011 - 16:30
I had better titles :) but Char has some kind of imaginary line she won't cross. Basketball....that is all.
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Thu, 03/31/2011 - 10:01
ima give it a listen now! plus i can add this to the 2old2play video cast this weekend! nice work
char's picture
Submitted by char on Thu, 03/31/2011 - 11:51
Biz, I’ve been hanging out with you crazy nuts far too long. Your corrupt ways have dented my character. For cryin’ out loud I tell mom jokes now, but of course not to the standers of you fine Never did I think I’d lower my standers so….lol I kinda like y’all. So I overlook your goofy ways. I know better than listen to Monkeyboy, but he's like Satan on my left shoulder...=) @Tank, good point. All the guys are "sidekicks"...LOL You should game with them sometime. They're funny SOB's = Sassy Overt Boys. I just game in bewilderment at some of the things that spew from their lips. heh @Caesar: Thanks C! There's a 2O2P video cast? I didn't know. I should get out in 202P more often...heh You're sorta a Resist member. I have a podcast list, checkin' it twice! Can I put your "C" down as a podcast guest? Will you get fired for being a turn coat? But really, let me know. Love to have you on the podcast. I promise I’ll go easy on ya’- can’t speak for the boys tho. ;^)
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Thu, 03/31/2011 - 13:21
i use my ps3 all the time i dont know what your talking about lol, it plays movies so well. kidding aside i do love god of war 3 and mag i just dont get to play them that often cause im a ms whore. but yeah put me down for a guest, it will be fun!

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