youtube test


Shared on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 15:53





OK DarthFrost get dancing! tightywhities.


Durtygirl you know your thanks


Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm being a nerd. . .


LuxDevil67's picture
Submitted by LuxDevil67 on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 15:55
why couldn't it have been a girl?
jquack's picture
Submitted by jquack on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 15:55
Woot! you did it! but...couldn't you have picked a less gayer (wait...gaier?) video to use? :)
DARTHFR0ST's picture
Submitted by DARTHFR0ST on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 15:59
It works and I'm dancing the mighty tighty whitey dance ...and look ma no
char's picture
Submitted by char on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 16:05
Yeah baby....LOL my side hurts now...LOL now check out the girl one, I made it just for you man folk. I want to see some +1 for that!

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