1000/1000 COD4


Shared on Tue, 04/01/2008 - 15:23
I finally got the last achievement to give me 100% on COD4. I had to play through Charlie Don't Surf 4 or 5 times to shoot all the TVs. I don't know what I did to be more magical the last time, but it worked.

Now I can get back to playing multiplayer and getting up to 55. Not sure if I want to prestige or not, but I probably will since I like completing challenges. I might even like completing challenges more than actually playing. I've gotten most of the weapon challenges except for snipers and headshots, don't really have a lot of interest in getting the headshot ones just yet. Some of the more obscure challenges I don't think I'll even try for.

Got a indoor soccer game tonight, luckily sore muscles won't affect gaming.


Chemterror's picture
Submitted by Chemterror on Wed, 04/02/2008 - 08:30
I watched a tutorial video before I even played it, so it didn't take me too long. Cheap, I know. Some other parts of the game I had to save and quit before I broke something though. The TV room, after you snipe with the .50 cal, and No Fighting in the War Room were all super frustrating.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Tue, 04/01/2008 - 16:55
I had the most trouble with Mile High Club. The TV smashing i got during my play through of that level. There's a couple tricky hidden ones I jumped up and down cheering loudly when i finally pulled off the mile high club finish on veterans, damn that's one of the hardest video game moments i've managed to pull off.

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