Help a Fellow Consumer - Red Dead Redemption


Shared on Fri, 05/28/2010 - 12:03

Good day y'all,

I am looking for some help / advice / warnings.  I am in search of a new multiplayer experience and have turned my attention to the possibilities of Red Dead Redemption.  Unfortunately I have not been able to get any of my questions answered via my brief searching of the interwebs.  I am debating buying this after work today and checking it out but I'd like a little help on finding out if it's what I would like or am I setting myself up for another Rock Star burn?

So, it appears that the Free Roam option is exactly that.  Much like some of the more popular PC MMORPGs....Am  I correct on this?  I spawn into a world and I can either fend for myself or I can gang up with some other yokels and we can go regulate and mount up?

So here are my main questions aside from the above question:

1:  Weapons: Do I get a basic one and have to level, steal, or kill my way to a better one? 

2:  Leveling:  Do I gain new levels for anything I do?  Do I have to complete specific things to get XP or does shooting and skinning a rabbit grant me XP?

3:  Money:  Do you need it, is it worth anything?  Can I use it to upgrade my guns, horse, costume?

4:  Costume:  Can I get all Clint Eastwood and sport the Pancho and an Iron plate underneath?  Can I get all lee Marvin and wear all Black?  Huh? or is it all Red Faction style and i just pick a character?

5:  If some no good sombitch shoots / steals my horse, do I have to buy a new one or do I have to wait a certain amount of time or am I just S.O.L?

6:  Are you only playing with 16 people in the world at a time or is it set up a little more like Phantasy Star Universe (if anyone remembers that game)?

Thank you in advance to any decent fellow willing to help make the decision as to spend or save my monies this afternoon.

Cheers and have a great fucking day!

Chet Chesterson


IamDank's picture
Submitted by IamDank on Fri, 05/28/2010 - 12:13
1+2. You level up for doing various challenges. Gang Hideouts are a big one and will gain you tons of XP quick. You start bottom on the barrel. Shitty pistol. Shitty mule. Ranking up gets you better rides and weapons. You also, keep whatever you pick up. Say you pick up a dead guns weapon. It stays with you. 3. As far as I know money is not earned in MP 4. You can switch your playable character with many options. More unlocked as you progress through XP 5. you can whistle for a new one or kill some poor sap and takes his. 6. not sure of the total amount per Free Roam but you can form posses with your friends and do the challenges together.
TKBosss's picture
Submitted by TKBosss on Fri, 05/28/2010 - 12:17
1. Weapons you can pick up out of boxes and any person you kill, but once you leave Free Roam you lose them, except the ones you gain by ranking up. 2. You get experience from the large list of items to do in Free Roam or in Multiplayer matches. 3. No money used in game. 4. You pick from a list of characters that get bigger as you gain more levels. Sizable amount to choose from. No customization at all. 5. No buying a new horse. Steal one, break a wild one, or whistle and your horse will come running alive and well, after a short wait. 6. Just 16 people max in Free Roam but plenty of NPCs Game is very addictive though. I love raising my bounty and trying to escape.
InfernalGiggler's picture
Submitted by InfernalGiggler on Fri, 05/28/2010 - 12:19
Chet, I hear your clan has a website now and you did the banner..nice job. yes, I know...I'm ashamed now...well no not really...back to topic. I have no advice...other then to say play something I have dammit.
ChetChesterson's picture
Submitted by ChetChesterson on Fri, 05/28/2010 - 12:22
I have been! SPlinter Cell. Your ass is never on! LOL
ChetChesterson's picture
Submitted by ChetChesterson on Fri, 05/28/2010 - 12:24
Thanks TK and Dank...That helps me make my decision. Little disapointed about teh lck of character customization...I guess I'll just have to shoot my doppleganger when I cross him.

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