Clan Drama V.Eleventy Billion


Shared on Wed, 04/21/2010 - 12:59

Sorry for the novel, it appears my short story grew long. Now if I can only figure out how to do that with other things….

Over the past few days, another round of PCP clan drama went down, and again the site got some entertainment for a few hours. This space is not meant to fan the flames any further, but rather just allow me to give my perspective on the whole situation.

I will start by saying that I joined this site because of PCP, and for the most part, enjoyed the year that I was with the clan. There were some really fun moments, most of which I will remember for a long while. Who will ever forget Bunny vs The Mouse? If you weren't there, ask Bunny about it some time, it was hilarious.

When I left PCP, there was some bad blood between certain staff members over there and ARXV members. I will say that I am not a saint, and did have some heated discussions with certain individuals, but would like to think I kept it civil. I also did not try to leave on a bad note. I left a good bye post thanking the members for the good times and removed myself from the clan, so my experience does differ from others.

Several PCP members were removed for violation of the PCP code of conduct a few months back and chose to voice their opinion on the situation through blogs. The same PCP staff members saw this on an attack on the clan and words were shared publicly. This situation arose again just this week, and honestly, while it does give us something to talk about, it does get old. It seems to boil down to ex-members not liking the way PCP staff runs their shop, and PCP staff not liking criticism about it. The way this is dealt with is to just simply push the blog of the bar by posting mostly random blogs until it is gone. While many may see this as a form of damage control, it just makes the situation worse. Others saw this tactic for what it is and called them on it, so the fire gets stoked once again.

The thing is, that most of the drama this time seems to be caused by PCP themselves. The blogs about all the haters and what they can do to themselves, just fan the flames. For all the talk of not caring what people think, the opposite sure seems to show. Crawfish’s original blog to the best of my recollection, really didn’t contain anything particularly inflammatory, just an opinion on how his experience with the clan changed. Should he have went to a PCP OL to discuss? Probably, but what’s done is done. The bottom line is that members are entitled to their opinions and should be able to voice them, and regardless of what is said, it will not hurt PCP any and they will continue to grow.

I still respect a lot of the guys over there and would still game with most of them. This was not meant as an attack on anybody, just the way I saw things personally. I am aware that this may receive negative comments and responses, and honestly they are entitled to them. Now let’s get back to gaming.


J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Wed, 04/21/2010 - 13:15
okay. Here's my 2 cents. I like the guys in PCP. Played with them once... but I'm not an FPSer... and their clan isn't for me. But they are a great group. I think though, as anyone should, perhaps we should ask ourselves: why does this clan drama seem to happen so often? This has happened quite a few times now. Not just once or twice. If PCP wants to run their clan more "hard core" than other clans: go for it. There is a need for that, or else no one would stay in PCP. And by everything I have seen, PCP is a pretty successful clan. Ergo there must be need for hardcore clans. But again: why the drama? I would suggest this: when you look at the clan recruitment thread, if a person says "I like MW" they get a reply straight away form PCP: hey: Join us. No mention of their code of conduct from the outset in that reply in the public forum. yes I imagine that the new member gets a PM. But these PMs are obviously not "sticking" with people. Is this because they already feel as though they are a member of the group? Could it be that once they are in, there is an inertia to not "opt out" of the clan? I suggested this in a PM to the OLs once. Why? Cause I like them, and I hate to see them get beat up. I want to help. I also like less drama at 2old2play. I also like insightful blogs at 2old2play. This blog wars kinda sucks. Decent blogs get pushed off the FP, or worse, new members may not get the chance to show off their stuff. And if it's a deliberate conspiracy to censor blogs? C'mon guys... you can do better than that!
PowerMacAttack's picture
Submitted by PowerMacAttack on Wed, 04/21/2010 - 14:14
@Clobb - First, nice blog. Seriously, this is how I would rather have a conversation and have tried to always conduct myself in this manner. Second, my blog was not aimed at any member of ARXV believe it or not. I have no issue with nor have I ever had issue with you guys. You were all brothers and we spent lots of very good times together. My post was aimed at the folks who have never gamed with PCP, have no knowledge of what we are about and or how we do things. So after so much of the sniping and vieled comments against my group, yes I took offense and was having a bad day. Shit happens. I still meant what I said and stand by it. What many may or may not see or understand is that PCP is a very tight group. We go out of our way to support and help our members as I hope you remember from when you were part of the clan. Do we get upset easily. No. Have comments been made both to us and about us via blogs, PM's and private channels...yes. And the ones that upset us are the ones from people with no direct involvement with our clan. Those are the people who I feel cause drama, those are the individuals who fan the fire so to speak. Again, no ill will has been or should be aimed at you, your members or your clan. If that is how it seems, then please allow me to apologize since that is not and never was the intent and I think this ARXV vs. PCP rivalry is being perpetuated by people not in either clan. Does that make sense? @J-Cat- PCP isn't "hardcore" and I think this is part of the confusion. We do have staff and rules and as I have tried to explain before, that is for the benefit of our clan and the members in it. A large clan needs lots of attention if you wish to include as many people as you can and still maintain order. Many people say why bother, it’s just a game, relax. For those folks I understand that PCP isn't for you, so why the concern about a group you do not game with? Has PCP ever attacked another clan on this site for the way they conduct their business? No, never. Do we offer advice on how other clans should operate when we get members from their group applying and gaming with us. No we do not. J-Cat you know as well as anyone that PCP has in the past tried to be an active clan on 2old2play. We have offered ideas, feedback, hosted mixers, tourney's, whatever was asked of us and even went so far as to ask the site what can we do. As a clan we are insular, our members spend an inordinate amount of time on this site in our forums, posting, talking, and gaming. This is not for a lack of caring about the site, but because many of our members don't understand the stigma associated with PCP and attitude they get when they leave the clan forums. This dates back well over a year now. To set the record straight, all applicants of PCP are given the Code of Conduct to read before we even let them start the recruit process. All recruits are given another e-mail after they agree to the CoC, detailing what is expected of them, where to go with issues and how to get the most out of gaming with us. We then spend time gaming with and getting feedback on these individuals. We do everything we can to help anyone who applies feel welcome and part of a family ( which is no easy task ). Does everyone get, some do not like what we do or do find us too structured for their tastes. The only person who ever caused drama as a new member was ZEROES and he was doing so intentionally, yet somehow that also came back to bite us as we, like many on the site, thought he was a few sandwiches short of a picnic and went out of our way to help him. So much for being nice. Seriously, for anyone to say that there isn't some level of animosity towards PCP by others on this site that dates back to last year and our choice of LAN dates (which was set before the announcement of the site LAN by several months, Doodi was told and we apologized for not knowing the unwritten rule that the LAN is always in the same place at the same time) is mistaken. So again, and as always, if you want to know about PCP, swing by, game with us, try us out, whatever floats your boat. But don't comment about us without knowing the facts and walking in our shoes, that is what gets me pissed off and alienates ME from 2old2play.
omegamaximus75's picture
Submitted by omegamaximus75 on Wed, 04/21/2010 - 14:18
I'll keep my oppinions to myself, just cause I dont want to get jumped in an alley tonight, but just get ready for about 10 pointless blogs about 80's music videos or something...
corbin_dallas's picture
Submitted by corbin_dallas on Wed, 04/21/2010 - 15:12
My worthless $.02 the blog wars hurt the site overall. Not blaming any one party but randoms have acess to the blogs, if those randoms happen to be potential new site members they might decide not to join because of the aforementioned "drama". While I garner some guilty pleasure from seeing the flame war blogs I don't necessarily agree with how they are handled. I think too much emotion is through out in the public eye and it gets really ugly. The PCP OL's have made it a point in the past to tell ousted members to keep this stuff in PM's. I think they are 100% correct. /my worthless $.02
DaRedneck's picture
Submitted by DaRedneck on Wed, 04/21/2010 - 20:52
Well said to everyone. For the record, I am HQ staff at PCP. I am PCP thru and thru. Always have been always will be. Of all the members that are gone, I still have them on my friends list. I don't take things personally. At least I try not to. Ask the many ex members that are still on my FL. I just want all of us to get back to what 2o2p is about. Adults gaming together. For the record, I hold no Ill will towards anyone unless you come after me and yet don't even know me. Truth be told, if we all were in a bar, we would naturally navigate around one another and have a blast. We'd come to find out that we actually have more in common than we don't. After all, we all found 2o2p for one reason or another. Let's all just have fun and get along and like clob said..... Game on!!!!

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