Had an epiphany


Shared on Tue, 08/10/2010 - 14:36

I'm not as much of a multiplayer gamer as I used to be. I'm a social gamer, which is a lousy way of saying that I'm turning into a single player type gamer that loves to discuss games with others.

Between kids and work and other crap, I am all over the gaming map. I have turned hard core to retro gaming (playing the first Fallout now, and just got Planescape Torment), and I'm starting to regularly play some D and D. And I love talking about games with friends, on and off line.

But right now I could give a crap about the multiplayer experience. This will probably pass with Reach coming down the pike, but... I dunno. I'm more excited these days to tune out to a long play session of Dragon's Age than try to beat someone in [insert multiplayer game here]. Even co-op is starting to take a backseat (and let me tell you I had a lot of fun during 20xp weekend). Probably doesn't earn me many clan mate friends. That's the hard part I guess. 

That was on my mind just now and I wanted to put it down. Didn't want to lose it in the jumble of day to day thinking.


MTPathy's picture
Submitted by MTPathy on Fri, 09/24/2010 - 12:07
I enjoy co-op not a huge multiplayer fan anymore. ill usually buy one multiplayer focused game a year and play it with a few friends. this year was LostPlanet2, next year will be GhostRecon: FutureSoldier. other then that im getting very into singleplayer games.
Bonecollektor's picture
Submitted by Bonecollektor on Tue, 08/10/2010 - 15:22
I have kind of got away from the MP experience as well. Found myself playing games like Just Cause, God of War, and single player Borderlands. I'm waiting for Reach as well.
ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Tue, 08/10/2010 - 17:01
I'm the same right now. Don't really care for multiplayer as much as I did. I'm just playing sports games with friends who come over or RDR at night.
OutcastB's picture
Submitted by OutcastB on Tue, 08/10/2010 - 17:36
I find myself showing offline more and more these days... Hopefully Reach will turn that around for me.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Tue, 08/10/2010 - 20:00
I've made that same conversion. I don't enjoy VS multiplayer as much as I used to. Mostly i think becaue of all the bullshit cheating and stuff. But I love co-op modes. Your opponents aren't cheating bastars in co-op :)

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