August? Are you serious?


Shared on Mon, 02/04/2008 - 21:13

I can't believe I haven't posted anything since August of last year. What a lazy bastard I am. And no, I really don't have a great excuse. I've just been busy. Aside from writing for my newspaper I recently started doing some freelance work for GamePro and OXM. So I have that going for me, which is good. I also recently interviewed Adam Sessler (which should be posted on this site sometime soon) and I'm taking a tour of the Sony Online Entertainment office in Denver later this month. All in all, some good stuff going on for me professionally. But who cares - what about that Super Bowl?

I'm not a Pats fan, I live in Colorado, but I feel for them after that collective football to the groin they took after losing to the Giants last night. That game was almost Shakespearianly tragic. To get all the way to 18-0, to see the light and the end of the tunnel and then to have it all fall apart is just heart breaking. If that happened to the Broncos, I'd have jumped off a bridge by now. Now I understand that New England fans have gotten pretty obnoxious and cocky (read any pre-super bowl Bill Simmons article on if you don't believe me) but to have this happen to them is devastating because no one will EVER forget the outcome of this game. My brother in law is from Peabody, MA, talks like Mayor Diamond Joe Quimby and is a life long Pats fan and I can't even make fun of him. I feel like I should send him some flowers or something for his loss. How can you give someone a hard time after something like that?

-Terry Terrones



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