Gun for Hire


Shared on Mon, 06/25/2007 - 12:29

My job is listed on the left as "Freelance Gaming Journalist" and I guess that requires some explanation, so here's a little bit of information about my writing career. Three years ago I realized I was a fairly decent writer. I started out innocently enough, ragging on my buddies on our fantasy football site. It was a blast to do and after football season was over I wanted to keep on going. I had a little writing experience (I worked as a reporter and editor at my college newspaper) but no professional experience. I started out by writing a newsletter with my brother. I had a hard time trying to think of a name but settled on Colorado Joe since I was writing about topics the average Joe would talk to his pals about. It was a one page, front and back newsletter with pictures and short stories that covered everything from games to sports, politics to pop culture. I had it placed in bars, restaurants and liquor stores around Colorado Springs. Soon I started a website for it, the now defunct (are you getting the theme here). Eventually my brother couldn't keep up and I ended up doing it myself.

Emboldened by the success of the website and newsletter I decided it was time for me to reach a bigger audience. I emailed the Sports editor at the Gazette, the local newspaper in town and told him I was interested in writing for him. To my surprise he responded, had me do a few practice stories and the next thing I know I'm covering a minor league soccer game. I did that for awhile and it was fine but writing sports stories was kind of boring. They're very formulaic and don't really allow for any creativity, you just tell the 5 W's and that's it. Any moron could do that. So I went to the Entertainment editor and started talking to him about writing for his section. Being a huge gamer I managed to convince him into letting me write a video game column. Since the column was brand new, I had to do a ton of leg work. I had to contact every gaming publisher and developer so I could receive games and get the lastest news. It worked out great! Over the last two years I've made tons of great friends, acquired a number of reliable gaming contacts and have interviewed ESRB Prez Patrica Vance, GameDaily's Eli Shayotovich, PSM's Chris Slate and OXM's Fran Reyes (twice). I also earned an invite to this years E3 and I'm really looking forward to the trip.

The freelance part of my job title means I don't just write for the Gazette. There's another local paper, the Colorado Springs Independent, that I'll be working with from time to time. I'm also up for a of Contributing Writer position at a well known website and a top tier gaming mag (wish me luck). Since I like to keep frequent readers of mine up to speed, I have a gaming blog ( that I update about 3 times a week. I also recently started a podcast with my brother where we ramble about all sorts of stupid things.

So where do I want all this to lead to? Working for a gaming mag (OXM, Game Informer or EGM would be cool) is my ultimate goal but I think I'd also enjoy working the PR side for a gaming company. Will it ever happen? I have no idea but that's what I'm hoping for. I think the late, great Casey Kasem said it best, "Keep your feet on the ground, but keep reaching for cigars"...or something like that.

Terry "coloradojoe" Terrones



Gman's picture
Submitted by Gman on Mon, 06/25/2007 - 12:33
Cool dude...I wish you luck!
coloradojoe's picture
Submitted by coloradojoe on Mon, 06/25/2007 - 12:36
Thanks! I appreciate it.
coloradojoe's picture
Submitted by coloradojoe on Mon, 06/25/2007 - 12:37
Send me a friend request on XBL when you get a chance.
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Mon, 06/25/2007 - 12:39
welcome to the site.

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