Xbox Rewards


Shared on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 17:00

So I had thought that I was signed up for the "Old Spice" Challenge with Xbox Rewards, but I followed a link from an email from Xbox Rewards ( and found out that I was not yet registered.  The site is different than it was a week ago and it looks like they revamped the whole thing.  I had followed a link I found in a 2old2play story on the home page ( and I went through the registration steps.  When I went to the site today it said I was signed up for 0 challenges.  A couple of clicks later I am signed up for the Old Spice Challenge, but I now am out the 200+ points I had racked up over the weekend!  I like the challenge idea and it looks like they are preparing to do more in the future, but I hope the process gets better.

If you think that you are registered, you may want to double check to make sure. 

You should see this if you are registered


H2Daddy's picture
Submitted by H2Daddy on Tue, 02/27/2007 - 07:58
Just wanted to drop a note and say hey. Your gamer name grabbed my attention. I married what I call an ag chick. Her degree is in ag business. Most of her friends are in the agriculture business and they all think I am crazy for gaming. They go on and on about how they don't have time for such things. Good to see a farmer with time for the good stuff. The funny thing is the one who gripes the most about not having any time is the biggest loafer I have ever met. Reads books all the time and has time to play golf 3-4 times a week. He's just covered up. lol I also agree with what you said about the younger crowd in Halo 2. Just about made me give up on online gaming. Finally found a few guys that are laid back like myself to play Gears with and it has made all the difference in the world.
NotStyro's picture
Submitted by NotStyro on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 17:35
Argh! MS sometimes does things that really suck. Losing your signup to the challenge is a big one. Thanks for the heads up, guess everybody should check if they thought they signed up.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 17:42
THe process was complicated this time because you had to sign up for two things. The first thing is to register yourself into the rewards program. Then the 2nd step is to register for a rewards challenge. That's what threw people for a loop, they assumed when they registered for the rewards program they were also entered into the rewards challenge. TO be honest though dude, if you only racked up 200 points over a weekend, there's not going to be much in the way of prizes left by the time you get 1500. You'll end up with a gamerpic out of it and self fulfillment. Problem with this first challenge is prizes are limited to 2500. contra is the prize with the most, 70,000 or something so there's a chance you could get that but probably not if it takes you 2 full months . You need to play some quick booster titles like King Kong, Cars, open Season, 06 sports games to name a few options. Good luck.
CofC's picture
Submitted by CofC on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 17:50
Past Post: What's up with your river and C-Span stuff? Have you heard back?
CottonKing's picture
Submitted by CottonKing on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 18:01
The hearing should be on T.V. I am waiting for C-SPAN to let me know. It also will be on their radio on the net. I will fire off a post tomorrow before I take off for D.C.

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