Aerosmith Guitar Hero and RnR


Shared on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 18:48
Took today off work. YAY! Need a mental health day now and then. Got a call from work, going in at 0700 tomorrow. Yay. :P Going to 2o2pZonies bar night. Duchee and the COULOW. Should be fun. It'll be in Tempe/Mesa area. Not too far for the Coulow to drive. Some poor bastards will see the trash talker in person. WOO de HOO. Played Aerosmith today. Tried XBL but the bastards kept dropping out on me. They never chose medium, always easy or expert then would drop out. Got an achievement out of it. One of the secret ones....ooooh...aren't I special. Nothing else of importance. Talked to USMC1 on whether or not I should ride my bike down, but it's monsoon't wanna drive home wet. That sucks. Time to work on my drumming skills for another 15mins until I have to shower and make myself representable. Peaces all over yous COULOW


SPEEDBYRD's picture
Submitted by SPEEDBYRD on Thu, 07/24/2008 - 17:23
I love how you refer to yourself in third person... drive fast, take chances. (We used to say that to customers when I bartended as they swayed towards the door)

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