Downsizing for those in need, and greed


Shared on Tue, 07/08/2008 - 10:18
I'm going to quote my coworker with 3 kids under 10, a price for my Wii and all the games. I honestly never play it anymore since I've bought a 360. SO. I'll have to buy guitar hero again for the 360. Whoop, big deal. It was the only game I really played on the Wii, and WarioWare. But honestly, is that a loss? I can't get my hands on the Fit. So screw it. Extra cash for a system I don't play, and the vision of his kids playing video games, entering them into the world of gaming at home? Priceless. I'm bringing him the empty game boxes to show what I've got. Rapala, Guitar Hero III and Guitar, Trauma Center, WarioWare, Zelda, Monster Trucks, Resident Evil, Red Steel, 2 controllers w nunchucks, and a charger for the controllers. Fuck it. I don't play it. Sigh. Sad day, but, it must go. Bye bye lil COULOW Mii. Bye bye.


hilskie's picture
Submitted by hilskie on Tue, 07/08/2008 - 10:48
The Wii fit is a real seller for me...I might get it for me "sister" for Christmas. LOL
SPEEDBYRD's picture
Submitted by SPEEDBYRD on Tue, 07/08/2008 - 11:12
I know what you mean... I bought the Wii just for Zelda. I admit, that when family and friends are over we use it, but other than that... it sits collecting dust. I think if they would have made a better effort with online like xbox maybe, but the graffics are not as tight. I guess we will hang on to ours for now. Nothing like watching our 70 year old moms bowl for the first time on the Wii
eStalker's picture
Submitted by eStalker on Tue, 07/08/2008 - 11:50
My wii has sat collecting dust for months. I FINALY managed to get my hands on a wii fit so now i play it a few days a week, but other than that it is useless. The only time it really gets used is when my neice and nephew come over. Guitar hero will be better on the 360 anyway!

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