Shared on Sat, 06/14/2008 - 08:55Dear ole Ma says it's a family curse, much like that teeny bobber tv show, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, where she was required to find the family secret, my maternal side has been dishing them out yearly. Our curses so far are to look younger than we really are (am I complaining, no), and to sleep less....thus far. ********************************
So here's my early morning thought as I sit on my balcony in 78 degree morning in Arizona early summer gazing at the traffic speeding by...******************************
...with gas prices so high, what would hippie do (WWHD) to save $ and blah blah blah save the environment. I have a Jetta. How can one downsize a car that already has a 25 mpg in the city? It's the V6 (mo powah!) making me fish out the credit cards for a $50 fuel bill. Unfortunately, I'm a tight ass who doesn't enjoy spending my blood money on gas. *****************
I perused www.edmunds.com **************************
Excellent site (for my American readers) on the latest cars who have low true cost to own. My jetta's on it! Shitbags, Batman! But what the hell is cheaper?!? Maybe a scion... ********************
I'll be FINALLY getting my baby girl, my yamaha R1 back. Here's the story, since I'm chatty. I bought her in March after grueling 60 hr work weeks, and paid cash money, homie. I was given an old title. The bastard SOB had a lein on the correct title. It's now friggin JUNE and after filing a police report and the loving gestures of persuasion from my boyfriend, the duchee, I'm FINALLY making progress. The title should be abandoned and in MY name by July at the latest. **************
Maybe I'll keep my German steed in the garage and tool around on my baby girl. Besides, it's 42 mpg. YES. 42! With a 3-4 gallon tank. Sweet, no? At some point, Americans in larger cities (my home of Phoenix being the 5th largest in America, thank you, thank you) will matriculate into some pseudo Europe with douchebags on bikes instead of glorious, 8 ft high duelies flying down the I-10. ****************
I'm headed for the VW dealership for a check up on my weinershitzel car in a few hours. I'll do the usual harrassment on the sales grime, and be tempted to buy a new car, as I always am, but I'll keep my Yamaha in the back of my mind. *****************
Vroom vroom tree hugger.
- COULOW's blog
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Submitted by Donk2o2p on Sat, 06/14/2008 - 09:06
Submitted by ekattan on Sat, 06/14/2008 - 09:12
Submitted by COULOW on Sat, 06/14/2008 - 09:23