Shared on Fri, 07/11/2008 - 09:345 mins into popping my UT 3 disc in, Armada sent an invite. Need I mention I was schooled like a little girl? 2-25. Mmm yah. Good way to start. That is why he's a mentor. The man was born with pixels in his blood.
So after digitally maming me, I joined with Nogame, Angergasm, and a few others. I don't know what happened, but I hit a Rampage and was 2nd, then 1st on the leaderboards. Ok. I'll keep the game. I was laughing my ass off, because 10 mins ago, playing a game a didn't even know the controls to, I was murdered, and am now the murderer!
Off to campaign. Dread Pirate was sweet enough, or stupid enough, to play with me. Duchee came over and we were estastic that UT3 has a Halo like advantage, SPLITSCREEN! Excellent feature for playing with friends (or boyfriends in my case). Though all I heard to my left was, "FUCK! Where the hell am I supposed to go? WHAT THE HELL! That's bullshit!" every 2 mins.
The hoverboard is NOT my friend, but I did make God-Like last night on my last game. The big ass Leviathan is my friend indeedy do.
I know tonight is COD4 night, and I will play, but my hands twitch at the idea of popping in UT3. Me thinks I have found a replacement for Halo. Bad Company is fun, and funny, but it takes more thought. Less than COD, more than UT.
Whew! Gaming. Gotta love it.
COULOW, out.
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Submitted by eStalker on Fri, 07/11/2008 - 15:31
Submitted by DreadPirate75 on Fri, 07/11/2008 - 16:41
Submitted by ekattan on Fri, 07/11/2008 - 09:58