Jackman is aging gracefully, Imax IS an experience


Shared on Mon, 05/18/2009 - 09:50

I'm not online as much as I used to be.  Eh, it's the working out, and wedding planning, and blu ray.

Since I acquired $40 in free AMC movie tickets, this weekend we went to Wolverine and Star Trek.  Embracing my inner geekdom,  Wolverine was an excellent movie, even if the miracle movie magic couldn't bring back a few years on Hugh's face.  One could only pray that they have his physique at 40+!   A great movie, explaining the origins for non fanboy's and fan's alike.

Star Trek was indeed a trek for us as well.  Only one theater in all of Phoenix was viewing on IMAX, and an entire Sunday was planned around crossing to the northwest valley just to see it.  Of course the earliest show was sold out while we were in line, so while waiting 3 hrs for the next viewing, we did some shopping.  Yay for new shoes!

Anyway, Star Trek on IMAX, totally worth it.   Not nearly as nerdy as any of the earlier films.  Not something I would buy on DVD, but it was blockbusting entertainment.

While on the shopping excursion, picked up The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.  IMO, it's Forest Gump with suicidal tendencies after viewing.  I think I had depressing nightmares last night. Christ.  WELL worth viewing.


So.  Great movies, new shoes, Metal Gear Solid 4 and Leisure Suit Larry.  That was my weekend grab. 


Yes. Leisure Suit Larry. HA.  I've haven't really played on the PS online much, and plan to do so this week.  I've ignored the new baby way too much.


And now, back to the black hole, aka work.  Could'a sworn I saw some red matter in the break room,

COULOW. out.


LadyisRed's picture
Submitted by LadyisRed on Mon, 05/18/2009 - 10:03
Shakes saw star trek and loved it too. I really want to see "Benjamin button" but maybe I should change my mind if its depressing. I dont like depressing. Is it "notebook" depressing ?
COULOW's picture
Submitted by COULOW on Mon, 05/18/2009 - 13:35
Noteboook is...well...a love story. So...think along the lines of Titanic....
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Mon, 05/18/2009 - 17:51
It's a long weekend here... in laws were in... I got to go on a date! imagine that: a real date!

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