Lifting and organizing turns you into a culo


Shared on Mon, 07/06/2009 - 12:04

OMG.  I think we're done.  I'm typing from the game room.  Got a 32" Sony Bravia 1080p, 120 hertz or whatever LCD to game on.  The dog is sleeping behind me.  My fingers are perpetually dirty looking.  I lashed out on Saturday at anything that moved.

Yah, I'm moved in now.  After a month of remodeling duchee's house, then 2 FULL days of moving my 2 bedroom apartment and cleaning it after, I turned into an asshole.  I think yesterday was the first day my sphincter mouth didn't verbally rape anyone. 


Two words:

Moving sucks.


 Do you know that the Arizona DMV can change your addy online?  And the post office?  And the bank?  How effin' sweet is that!?!?  Cox had my service changed same day.  All I have left is work, and to clean the entry way at my old apartment (and turn in the keys).  My lease still isn't up until the 14th, but the electric will be off as of tomorrow. :)  Bad enough they won't break my lease till the final day.  God damn pirates.

There's still boxes and boxes of my crap (how did I get all this crap?!) lying around, so I must attend to that mundane, wrist cutting chore. 


I'll be online.  Hopefully, not an asshole.

COULOW. out.

PS. Rockband.  Eh....not much room in here atm.  So, that's an obsticle that I don't wanna think about.


El_Diablo's picture
Submitted by El_Diablo on Mon, 07/06/2009 - 12:28
Moving does suck. BTW.....while you are legally bound to your lease till the 14th. With your permission the complex can show the apartment and if someone decides to lease it before the 14th you are legally scott free and due a prorated refund. But.....they won't due that while they have you on the hook for the cash.
Cerberus4417's picture
Submitted by Cerberus4417 on Mon, 07/06/2009 - 12:51
Congrats. Yeah moving sucks. Still getting motion sickness from the Screen? you should trying sitting farther then two feet from the tv. lol
M13a77's picture
Submitted by M13a77 on Mon, 07/06/2009 - 14:38
Try being in the Army and moving every 3-4 years whether you want to our not. Congrats on being done though.
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Mon, 07/06/2009 - 15:14
Poor duchee. I have been through that 'remodeling' phase and it really sucks for the guy. 'Oh I know you love that painting. Maybe we can display it underneath the mirror in the upstairs bathroom'. 'Oh I realize that dresser works just fine, but it doesn't look expensive enough.' 'You didn't really like those clothes that used to be in that closet did you?'
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Mon, 07/06/2009 - 21:41
Glad to hear the worst is behind ya, those boxes of "crap" get moved from home to home. The contents get smaller as you throw out a bit more each time you box up the same crap, but the boxes multiply with all your "new" crap! *sigh* gl wit da boxes........

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