Numerology Update


Shared on Mon, 07/28/2008 - 17:50
#1- i'm tired of seeing the Gametruck banner ad with the kid mullet. It's old. #2- My coworker's Mother passed away, so, I'll be working 7-330 for this entire week. Condolences to her family. :( #3- I found a small, deadly scorpion in my entryway last night. After freaking out, girl style, I now have an appointment for pest control this Friday. IT CAN'T COME SOON ENOUGH. #4- I completed Rockband's solo guitar tour on Medium. Yay for me. #5-Broke as fuck after buying my LCD HDTV and anxiously awaiting payday this Friday!!! #5- College starts September 1st. EEEEEKKKKK! #6-My youngest bro is coming mid August, and COULOW shall play PS3, if the little fucker brings his. I'm sure he will. That's all for now...yee friggin haw in Schweaty Aridzona. COULOW. Out.


OLDMAV693's picture
Submitted by OLDMAV693 on Tue, 07/29/2008 - 14:08
passing cheese to Coulow to go wit whine
NutmegeR's picture
Submitted by NutmegeR on Mon, 07/28/2008 - 19:48
Weird...I had a dream last night that I found a scorpion in my night stand. *cue Twilight Zone music*
TheArtistSwayze's picture
Submitted by TheArtistSwayze on Mon, 07/28/2008 - 20:29
what's wrong with mullets? they make me laugh :)

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