Question for the masses, difference in gameplay?


Shared on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 18:53

Is there a difference in gaming between the sexes?

Do women approach gaming with a different style than men?

Grab a cup of coffee, redbull, CAO or menthol cig and let's discuss...


OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 20:21
Packing a lunch might be more appropriate......from what I've read tho is in a "shooter" type game a male tends to fire at the enemy/opponent faster than a female BUT the female tends to be more accurate. That only scratches the surface tho I'm sure.
Azuredreams's picture
Submitted by Azuredreams on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 21:07
Separation of the sexes in my mind is the same as separation of the races. No good comes from calling me a Male gamer, just as no good would come calling me a Caucasian one. Bottom line is that a gamer is a gamer, regardless of sex. Having "Women's Gaming" events, and or designations in my mind does nothing but widen the gap between the sexes by perpetuating the separation. Only when people stop calling someone or themselves a "Woman" or "Girl" gamer will there ever be any sort of equality.
Fish66's picture
Submitted by Fish66 on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 23:39
The only difference I notice is the lack of base in their voice. I hear it each time Bass Bleu says "Don't worry about it" when she saves my ass, usually with a "Head Shot" to some unfortunate Zombie or Monster. @Azuredreams - I agree. This is definitely an even plying field.
DreadPirate75's picture
Submitted by DreadPirate75 on Tue, 03/30/2010 - 05:13
I play games with this chick named COULOW...and even though she doesn't have a nutsack, she STILL teabags me in BBC2 after she shoots me dead.
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Tue, 03/30/2010 - 08:52
All right... let's start wome hate in the old J-C's direction, shall we? When it comes to atual gaming... women and men are equal. Men's fingers/women's fingers... it's all the same. (although I wonder since guys are supposed to be better at spatial problems if guys would "get" 3-D maps faster than women.... but I digress) What this article is about, however, is about the games industry, sexism and feminism etc. It's sorta rough for women out there in that gamers can be sexist. Look. For every Timmy calling you a fucking asshole. I have 5 asking to see my boobs. Whenever a guy screws up, he's a fucking noob. Whenever I screw up, it's "cause I'm a girl, and girls can't play." It isn't the women who are making sex an issue.... it's the guys who make it an issue. We say that identifying people by their sex doesn't make sense... but does it? See... being a man is ... well it's the default for a lot of things. Think of a CEO: what do you think of? Old guy in a suit, right? What about a gamer... we picture a guy. And if we picture a girl... it's a HAWT gamer-girl... not really just a normal woman. In fact, just a fantasy for... that's right... the guys. So it's easy for guys to say "oh... gender doesn't play into things" because it doesn't... for you. But it does for me: because I am not the default... I am the exception to the rule. So I see things that you don't. I see how few decent female characters there are: often regulated to the roles of underclothed ice bitches, sexy jailbait or princess waiting to be rescued by a plumber. I notice that there are few women creating games. I notice when the notion of the sexy gamer is commodified. And don't sit there are give me every exception to the above. The stereotype is there... and it gets play... often. And it's not just the industry... it's the community. I love 2o2p... you guys know that. I spend quite a bit of energy writing and helping out as much as I can. I don't do that cause i hate it here. In fact: 2o2p is MUCH better than most of the internet. But let's look at 2o2p. A woman writes an interesting blog: and she only gets hits... cause she's a woman. Not cause she posts interesting blogs. Boobs: are they good? thread... Prime example of objectification of women. And when the opposite happens by accident (a baner ad) or not-so accident (LB posts good looking guys for me) there are complaints instantly. Again: another thread talks about how disgusting breastfeeding is. And when the thread gets locked down... the mod posts a picture of some chick's tits. Many, many avatars and gifs that feature jiggling boobs. More "Women as objects... not as people" mentaility There are complaints because we have one safe place for the ladies to get away from this and to support each other. (Guys have a safe place... it's called the rest of 2o2p) And on an personal note: before Lan: my husband reminded me not to drink any open drinks and to watch my back. After all: I am going to party with a bunch of strange men, and that's a dangerous place for a woman. How many of you guys got the same talk from your spouse? One guy at the lan asked my why I wasn't drinking form a bottle I had brought. I told him that I had left it out and that I don't drink from open bottles. He was floored. Never once occured to him. Why? He's a guy. And that's my point. He doesn't "see" the sexism. Now: if there is sexism here.... think about how it is "out there" The author discusses sexism but how subtle it is. It's no longer (necessarily) just Timmies standing up and saying "Ha... Chicks fucken suck man..." Listen to what the author of the article said: *** I have a confession to make; without any good reason, I've always viewed modern day feminists with scorn and suspicion, believing the clichéd caricatures of dogmatic, man-hating, bra-burning extremists so often lampooned by our status quo loving society. Sure, the movement was important when women were fighting for the vote at the turn of the last century, and in the 60s and 70s when they fought for liberation from society's imposed apron strings. But growing up in the 80s and 90s I thought things were fine and that people who persisted in fighting the fight were making a fuss about nothing. However, when I was asked to write about women in gaming and started to conduct research on the subject and to reflect on my own experiences as a female gamer and games journalist, I realised that my knee-jerk reactions were born out of ignorance and that both the issues, and the way they are approached and presented by modern day campaigners for women's equal rights, are far more subtle and complex than my outmoded and (ironically) hysterical views had previously accommodated. ** Sexism is subtle. And it's there. Cause I see it. Cause I deal with it and cause I try in my own way to fight against it *every fucking day*.
MineMagnet506's picture
Submitted by MineMagnet506 on Tue, 03/30/2010 - 09:56
Coulow gets hits because she is my clanmate and asked my opinion which you will get if you read what she ends up writing on the matter. Of course, my status as one of the resident hate mongers makes my opinion meaningless.
Fish66's picture
Submitted by Fish66 on Tue, 03/30/2010 - 11:27
Damn Oprah, see what she started.
COULOW's picture
Submitted by COULOW on Tue, 03/30/2010 - 11:29
Yes, I was accepted into a Journalism School, and until school starts in the Fall, I am writing for the school paper. I am the Gaming column. WOO! My first assignment is "Differences in Gaming Strategies between Women and Men." I know that my gaming style has changed since playing with more males, but I needed some feedback from other gamers. I've already questioned some, and I have plenty more to harrass from many different venues. There is no wrong answer, for this is all opinion, and though I may not like the answer, it is from your hearts, and I will remember to not take offense, for everyone is allowed to state what they believe in. It is not my right in a non-bias article to question someone's heartfelt thoughts, just research. Thank you for answering!!! @mine Mine's really just a soft core bowl of jelly in a metal casing.
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Tue, 03/30/2010 - 12:09
hmmm... I was confusled... your headline said one thing... your linky said another. I can't tell the difference between guy and girl gaming. I only know J-Cat. Do I game because I game one way or is it because I am a women? I've never been a guy, so I can't really say what the difference is.
zippy731's picture
Submitted by zippy731 on Wed, 04/21/2010 - 17:39
Oh, I don't keep score, Judge. Oh? Well how do you measure yourself against other golfers? By height.
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Tue, 03/30/2010 - 14:03
Over the last few years I've come to the conclusion that sectoring gamers by gender to highlight differences is the wrong segmentation. I think the difference is really casual/hardcore. It's easy to confound because *most* casual gamers are female. And *most* hardcore gamers are male. And sexism...That is a whole 'nother topic and I'm more concerned about sexism in RL (like how much I get paid for equal work) than I am in the digital world...Because in CoD, I can just mute all those fuckers.

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