Shared on Tue, 06/03/2008 - 10:10High today in Phoenix, Arizona...
103 degrees F
WELL, I'll be playing indoors tonight. Considering the crotch sweat ratio is 100/1. You think there would be less fat insulated morbid ass waddling down the streets of the Valley, the tube tops and cheek shorts will be out. I will be in. Yes indeedy do. I prefer all nausea and vomiting to be brought on by sickness of the body, not the eyes.
My duching is rocking the Halo 3 with DoB. I never play Halo anymore. Eh. Everytime I'm on, everyone is playing in a team (or doing something else), to COD4 or maybe some GTA 4. Haven't really played Virtua Fighter much, but I'm actually really good at that game. HA! BELIEVE THAT! No, really, I'm great at fighters.
I'm enjoying the Pork Product Battilion. They are quite kind. Assisting me with improvement over lacking skill, and pitying me by allowing my underdeveloped talent to play alongside. Ah, refreshing. Thank you. I had almost given up on Live until I found 2old2play. I heard the tales of my boy, with his waayyy x2 better skill in Halo scoring nightly on Live with Timmies while his friend's list expanded, and I just wasn't feeling it. I needed some educated gamers that wouldn't tell me I suck. Basically. To understand that I can't tell Mom to buy me the latest game for Xmas because my mortgage is more important (or buying a new Flat Screen with surround sound...mmm...I can smell the bubble wrap!). Glad I found this site is all.
Nothing else of importance. Another day of psychosomatic sufferers filling my bank account and vomiting on my clogs. So rewarding. I will take a gaming breather at some point, the clock is ticking on my accreditation for my job. I must dig deeply for the tax write off test, to gain more initals after my name, so I can too, be a professional. Blah blah blah. Degrees and registration. All hoopla. Kanye West's 2nd album stated it best...
"You pick up all those books you're going to read and not remember. You get your Associates degree, you get your Bachelors, you get your Masters, you get your Master's Masters, you get your Doctorate, and you roll man. And then when everybody say's quit, you show them your degrees! When everyone says, Hey, you're not working! Your not making any money! You say Yah, you look at my degrees and you look at my life. I'm so smart, those guys spending all that money, I'm spending my money, to be smart! Look at me, I'm 52! You know what keeps me warm at night? That's right, my degrees. And when a pretty lady comes onto you, you show her those degrees. No, I've never had sex, but I can count all the change in your purse, really fast."
School Spirit-Kanye West-College Dropout
I feel a WOO comin on cuz. I feel a WOO comin on cuz. A couple WOOs comin on cuz.
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Submitted by Donk2o2p on Tue, 06/03/2008 - 10:46