Sony's Got Dust


Shared on Tue, 07/14/2009 - 19:36

My PS3 is dusty.


Since moving, I've been a wee bit too busy to play as much.  AND...since the Xbox is gaming system #1, I play it more often.....there you go. 


I must deeply apologize to the, honestly, nicest gamers I have ever met, the 2o2resist.  I haven't partaken in any festivites.  I'm a horrid member.


Yellow algae is calling my name in the pool.  Must scrub.  Must get out of scrubs.  Heh.


I would ride my motorcycle, but at 118 degrees, I fear spontaniously combusting on the highway.


Lame ass blog, I know.  Deal.  I'm downing hummus, emailing with my bridesmaids, waiting for a girlfriend to comeover and take one of my old tv's and thinking about cleaning that damn pool.


So. COD4 rocks.

COULOW. out.


PS. A girlfriend and I were drunk.  We created a UFC fighter.  Bruce "Big Nasty" Hardrod.  Must play online with that guy and see how he does!


ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Wed, 07/15/2009 - 05:21
Pick up your PS3 more it still loves you .. Also I heard Mr. Clean scrubs work on the alge ring, just dont press hard and may only take two of them to complete the job.
Cerberus4417's picture
Submitted by Cerberus4417 on Wed, 07/15/2009 - 08:14
You should have named your blog : "PS. A girlfriend and I were drunk........." I haven't even seen you on the Xbox that much either. And with that sweet game room, you should use it more.
XeroHour's picture
Submitted by XeroHour on Wed, 07/15/2009 - 16:57
I currently only use my PS3 for inFamous and Killzone 2. Just recently I've started to meet up with some fellow KillzoneCommandos clan members. Other than that, until Uncharted 2 or God of War 3 come out, my X360 gets all my love for now. :) See ya online.

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