What is this birght light? OH! It's outside!


Shared on Mon, 06/02/2008 - 10:11
I didn't game much this weekend. Just Sunday really. Made it to 21 on COD4! Shiny gold cross, here I slowly come... Completing challenges helps something wicked with the exp. I also enjoy the fact you see yourself level up during the game, instead of after like Halo. Speaking of which, my Halo addiction is slowly dying. I'm getting more enamoured with COD4. Love to play GTA4, however I'm stuck on 1 mission, and I don't think my controller can take the beating of another attempt. I "should" play Halo a wee bit more, since that's what my DoB boys n gals play, but I suck at it now....and I'm getting a mental lag on which buttons do what....every gamer knows this. The Game Switch Syndrome. You forget simple moves from game to game when they're of the same genre. It's horrible. The fact I've plateaued officially at Commander on Halo also weakens my joy of playing. I'll hit that disc sometime this week however. Must. Learning COD4 however is tres fun... Spent most of my weekend bonding with the boyfriend, like, OUTSIDE. Nice change. We often go our separate ways then regroup in the evenings. Aw, I love spending time with my best friend. Ain't that sappy? GROUP HUG! Now to another, sigh, week of work, wiping ass and getting yelled at for taking too long to scan a patient. Ungrateful bitches, I tell you. I know I don't work at Disney World. I know no one WANTS to be in the hospital. Suck it up, and quit cher bitchin. Be adults. Sometimes, you gotta do things you just don't wanna do. By Friday, the ass kissing of patients for the hospital mandated press ganey scores really goes down the tube. My facility actually rates our raises on those scores. Patients happy, paycheck up. It's tough to smile when someone farts in your face, bitches about how cold the room is (brr, it's a constant 72 to keep the machines cold), and "Do I have to drink all that?!?' Yes. Yes you do. Are you still having belly pain? My Xray vision is on the fritz so pull down your pants and lay on the machine. Hold your breath for 9 seconds. There. Test done. Winey bitches. Well I'm negative aren't I? SO. Game on. Breakfast on. COULOW out. Go Piggies Go.


ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Mon, 06/02/2008 - 10:19
I haven't played COD4 in a while. I'm a 26 so send me an invite anytime.
COULOW's picture
Submitted by COULOW on Mon, 06/02/2008 - 10:22
OH GREAT HALO MAN.... ok. Seriously, I'm getting screwed up in my buttontry (is that a word?). I need to play some Halo this week. I must. Haven't in quite some time! Can't lose the lack of skill!
Donk2o2p's picture
Submitted by Donk2o2p on Mon, 06/02/2008 - 11:18
what is this "Halo" you speak of? :wink:
COULOW's picture
Submitted by COULOW on Mon, 06/02/2008 - 20:20
LOL My 1st Xbox 360 game!! The reason I bought a 360! My boyfriend is a Halo ADDICT and I played with him. Of course I've had a PS2 and an Xbox in the past, but that was eons ago. WoW was the last time I ever gamed until Halo and now, the bug is back up me arse and I can't stop gaming!!!

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