Xbox, ok. Cable, FOOKED UP


Shared on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 09:30

Aight.  The gameplan.   Cable guy is coming tonight between 5-7pm.  Grr.  I've had my HD on the fritz for several weeks and it's pissing me off.  In addition to that, we're headed to Yuma, AZ this weekend for Duchee's 15yr high school reunion.  So, clan night?  Probably not.


I'll try to do the household chores thing, be packed and ready while waiting for the cable guy, but if he takes too damn long, I"m hopping on to raise my damn prestige.


Bought the LG Dare from Verizon.  SHIZZZNITT I tell you!!! 


Nothing else of great importance, getting better at COD4.  Trying out the beta and getting raped. Have been seeing more females on COD4, and while that's awesome, some are wicked bitchy and talk smack to the other teams.  Ladies, c'mon, I am Queen of Shit Talking, but for anything, there's few female gamers out there, we GOTTA stick together.

Bout it.


COULOW. out.


MineMagnet506's picture
Submitted by MineMagnet506 on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 09:33
some of those shit talking females sound like 8 year old boys... I should know I got cussed for calling one out................................

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