Shared on Thu, 08/30/2007 - 18:37I am an uncle and have been for just over 7 years. My niece was born on August 23rd of 2000, and any second now, she is going to have a brother. I've been on pins and needles waiting on this for WEEKS and now my sister is in labor and, as I have already said like 3 times, the baby will be here IN MERE MINUTES!!!!
I wish I could be there for it, but we aren't going to be in town with them until tomorrow evening. But, I am taking an extra day off from work for the holiday weekend, so I will get to spend 4 days with my nephew.
I'm sure those of you who are aunts/uncles/parents can certainly understand my excitement, but it goes a little farther than just the normal "woo-hoo" feeling. My sister had thyroid cancer after her first baby was born, and because of some of the treatments she had we thought she would never be able to have any more kids. But her doctor cleared her last year (which I didn't know about) and at Christmas time she called to tell me she was expecting again. In fact what she said was, "Congratulations, you're going to be an uncle again!" I was so surprised that for a minute I thought she was telling me that my OTHER sister was expecting. So, obviously, the whole family has been super excited about this baby, and when we found out it was going to be a boy, well that just ramped it up a notch. (I would have been just as happy with another girl, it's really just gets more exciting because you can refer to the baby as "him" or "her", like a real person, instead of just an "it".)
There are two video cameras and about half-a-dozen digital and still cameras on site to make sure this is a well-documented event, so even though I can't be there, I'll get to see it all this weekend. Right now the suspense is driving me up the wall. I bought a *small* bottle of whiskey on the way home, and I hope I can pace myself with it. I don't do well with tension and worry and all that stuff. I just want that baby to be here. RIGHT NOW!
OK, what about NOW!
Dangit. Still waiting as of 6:37pm central time.
**UPDATE** 6:57pm
HE IS HERE! 7 pounds 15 ounces and 20 inches long. Healthy, alert, and ready to kick ass and take names! I say it again....
*Update* 10:22pm
Picture time!
I wish I could be there for it, but we aren't going to be in town with them until tomorrow evening. But, I am taking an extra day off from work for the holiday weekend, so I will get to spend 4 days with my nephew.
I'm sure those of you who are aunts/uncles/parents can certainly understand my excitement, but it goes a little farther than just the normal "woo-hoo" feeling. My sister had thyroid cancer after her first baby was born, and because of some of the treatments she had we thought she would never be able to have any more kids. But her doctor cleared her last year (which I didn't know about) and at Christmas time she called to tell me she was expecting again. In fact what she said was, "Congratulations, you're going to be an uncle again!" I was so surprised that for a minute I thought she was telling me that my OTHER sister was expecting. So, obviously, the whole family has been super excited about this baby, and when we found out it was going to be a boy, well that just ramped it up a notch. (I would have been just as happy with another girl, it's really just gets more exciting because you can refer to the baby as "him" or "her", like a real person, instead of just an "it".)
There are two video cameras and about half-a-dozen digital and still cameras on site to make sure this is a well-documented event, so even though I can't be there, I'll get to see it all this weekend. Right now the suspense is driving me up the wall. I bought a *small* bottle of whiskey on the way home, and I hope I can pace myself with it. I don't do well with tension and worry and all that stuff. I just want that baby to be here. RIGHT NOW!
OK, what about NOW!
Dangit. Still waiting as of 6:37pm central time.
**UPDATE** 6:57pm
HE IS HERE! 7 pounds 15 ounces and 20 inches long. Healthy, alert, and ready to kick ass and take names! I say it again....
*Update* 10:22pm
Picture time!
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Submitted by TANK on Thu, 08/30/2007 - 19:45
Submitted by BATMANKM on Thu, 08/30/2007 - 22:38
Submitted by WallyBR on Fri, 08/31/2007 - 07:12
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Fri, 08/31/2007 - 07:33
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Fri, 08/31/2007 - 10:19