Out of the Icebox and into the Maelstrom


Shared on Thu, 04/20/2006 - 11:31

Yeah, so I got moved out of my old cube, the "Icebox", the day after I posted my first blog entry.  At first I was pretty excited about this because freezing your nads off all day long is not conducive to being a productive computer programmer.  My new cube is a comfortable temperature and the papers on my desk no longer swirl about like they have been caught up in an Antarctic tornado.  I am also closer to a window so I get a lot more filtered sunlight in my cube, but not so much that it causes glare on my monitor.  For the first couple of hours after I moved into my new space I was in heaven.  But then I started to notice my neighbors…

They are loud.  Really loud.  And obnoxious to the point of inspiring me to commit acts of physical violence.  Some of this is not their fault, because I am sitting next to a bunch of (gasp) Customer Support Analysts!!!  That is right, some management genius thought that the way to get the most productivity out of us programmers was to subject us to constant distraction.  The phones ring all day, the CSAs talk to people all day, and I am just 3 feet from some of them. 

Now, I am not getting down on the CSAs for doing their job.  Somebody has to provide phone support.  But this is a big building and it would be nice if I were not right next to them.  Oh, and it would be a lot better if one of them was not a crazy, booming-voiced, foul-mouthed old hag.  I call her Gentile Jane because she is anything but. 

Gentile Jane is about 5 feet tall, 50 years old, hairy faced, and has a very nasal voice with no volume control.  She has a horrid personality with the countenance to match and she loves to swear really loudly about whatever moron she just got off the phone with.  It was funny the first couple of times I experienced her rants, but now I just want to hit her with a paperweight.  Hard.  In the head.  Until she SHUTS THE F#CK UP!!!!!!

As soon as she hangs up the phone she starts berating the customer very loudly.  You can hear her clear out in the hallway.  This is how she ends a typical phone call…

GJ:  "…Okay, glad I could help.  You have a nice day and please call back if there is anything else you need."

*click* (hangs up)

GJ:  "You stupid c@cks#cking, mother f#cker!  What the hell is wrong with you!?!?  That is the third time this b!tch has called this week!  When the f#ck is she going to learn how to f#cking use our mother f#cking software?!?!  I am not a goddamn owners manual you dumb b@stard!!!"

One thing that is hard to comprehend is how she is still working here.  If you heard someone in your office talking like that on a regular basis, and you were a manager, would you want to keep them around? 

Now, on the one hand, I can sympathize with her frustration.  A lot of times in Customer Support you wind up dealing with issues that have more to do with the user being ignorant than with the software malfunctioning.  However, this is not news.  Everybody frigging knows that customer support jobs are frustrating.  She knew it when she took the job.  Why the hell did you take a job in Customer Support if you hate talking to people and helping them?  Are you a masochist?

She is the worst offender in the department, but there are others who are also constantly complaining.  This makes no sense to me.  It would be like me complaining about all the typing I have to do as a computer programmer.  If I hated typing, I would find a new line of work, not break into a swearing tirade every time I finished a page of code.  How bizarre would that be?

*click*tap*tap*tappity*tap*tappity*tap*tappity*tap* (me typing)

Me:  (stand up and shout over the cube walls) "Gahdamn!  Am I going to have to type all f#cking day here?!?!  I mean Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ, when will it end?!?!  Am I just supposed to sit here and type for-f#cking-ever!!!!"


So, the upshot of all this is that I wear my headphones and listen to music all day in an attempt to drown out Gentile Jane and her cohorts.  It is not always effective, but I find that as long as I listen to a lot of hard-core rap music, all the swearing she does just kind of blends into the background.  In fact, I bet I could record one of her rants, get Lil Jon to create a beat for it, mix that sh!t together and we would have a number one hit record tomorrow.

It could happen.



CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 10:23
It doesnt just happen with CSAs. We had two people in our office that spent most of the day complaining. It took a while but they no longer work here. Our head honcho does not fire people but he did make it uncomfortable enough for them not to want to stay and they eventually found other jobs. Funny thing is they didnt complain to him, to his face; they complained about him behind his back so he really didnt know. But their negative attitudes affected their work performance and that is what he noticed. My life is so much better now that I dont have to listen to it! I know people can be stupid about computers, and it is fun to laugh about it once in a while but I feel sorry for your CSA because what kind of life is that, always being mad at everbody? And to top it off, who wants to be around you when all you do is put down people? I am showing this post to my kids as part of my Life Lessons. Besides, for most people, technology has been thrust upon them, they dont like it and they dont want to deal with problems if they dont have to. They avoid it instead of trying to understand so they are stupid about things when what is supposed to work breaks down. There is a word for those who enjoy technology, are curious about it and have fun with it; they call us geeks! We just cant expect the rest of the world to be like us. I think you are right, I think that CSA really doesnt want enjoy her job and she probably doesnt know how to enjoy anything else in life either.
LadyisRed's picture
Submitted by LadyisRed on Wed, 05/31/2006 - 20:39
BOOM! headshot! ;)
WallyBR's picture
Submitted by WallyBR on Thu, 04/20/2006 - 12:03
Headphones, my man. Thats my answer to my coworkers. Of course, Ive moved into a real office with a real door now. But headphones are your only hope. And a large library of MP3s to suit your mood.
Irion's picture
Submitted by Irion on Thu, 04/20/2006 - 12:24
Awesome post! Headphones are the way to go. I wear them though so people will think I dont want to be disturbed and not necessairly to drown out other voices. It works too. Sometimes I just wear headphones and put the plug in my pocket, unattached to any MP3 player...but they dont know that. Headphones: Gods greatest invention since sliced bread.
DanLeCrinque's picture
Submitted by DanLeCrinque on Thu, 04/20/2006 - 12:30
I want a copy of the GJ mix. DO IT ! Record her dude ! I want to know.

Carpe Diem

novicius's picture
Submitted by novicius on Thu, 04/20/2006 - 13:10
People take Customer Service jobs because they typically have little to no professional training outside of what the company provides but want a "desk job" that pays marginally better than what they can get flippin burgers at McDs.
novicius's picture
Submitted by novicius on Thu, 04/20/2006 - 13:11
Heh, should add "Some people..." to that last comment. I dont want to paint all CSAs with the same broad brush. :)
Castlemonster's picture
Submitted by Castlemonster on Thu, 04/20/2006 - 15:57
I laughed my a-- off. I love your comparison to you bitchin about typing!

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